Chapter thirty five - Are We The Bad Guys?

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Ophelia's pov


"Get up." My father spat. I did as he said because I knew what would happen if I didn't.

"I'm tired father. I can't do this anymore." I said as a silent tear slipped from my eye. I was only four.

"I don't care. The sun's still up. You will continue with your training." He stated, before charging at me with his wooden sword. I attempted to defend myself but I was too drained. Instead I was sent flying into the wall of what I used to call home. "God your useless." He grumbled, throwing his sword into a nearby tree and heading inside. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and just laid there for a while. Letting one silent tear after another fall to the ground.


Dream's pov

After George had told me about the legend I left for Pogtopia. I left this morning without saying goodbye to Ophelia so I thought it would be best to head back and explain myself. But when I arrived I realized none of that mattered because she had been out cold half the day.

"Why didn't one of you call me!" I shouted once they told me what happened.

"Why should we have to?" Tommy spat back. I only huffed and made my way to Ophelia's room. To my surprise no one stopped me. When I entered the room I saw her sleeping peacefully as expected. But disappointment made its way into my chest. I was hoping I could talk to her. Ask her about what hybrid she is. But I guess it will have to wait.

Ophelia's pov


Run Tommy! Run!" I yelled while pushing him forward. He looked back at me before taking off through the trees. I was about to follow him when my dad grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Your not going anywhere you bratt!" He shouted, dragging me back to that dreaded house in the middle of nowhere.

"Let her go!" The three year old yelled from the tree line.

"No! Tommy leave! now! Get out of here!" I shouted back. All of the sudden the wind got a little stronger, and we could hear the sound of wings. Huge wings.

"Let the girl go. Now." A strong voice spoke out from in the trees. A couple seconds later a man wearing a long dark green cloak and a green and white bucket hat emerged from the trees and stood next to Tommy. He had huge black crow like wings and emerald earrings.

"Who the hell do you think you are!? You think you can just come in here and tell me what to do with my kids?! Just stay out of this! It's none of your danm business!" My father shouted as he yanked me closer to him.

"Maybe not. But no child deserves to be treated the way your treating your children. And I can't just stand by and let you do this to them." He countered with an eerie calmness.

"You don't know what your messing with old man." My father shot back.

"On the contrary. I think I do." The man said before taking off into the sky and coming back down towards me and my father at lightning speed. He snatched me from my father's grip and was in the sky again before he could do anything. The man turned around and made his way towards the treeline where my brother was. My father saw what he was planning and started running at Tommy.

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