Chapter forty seven - Betrayal

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"Jschlatt gave me something." Dream said not moving from his spot on the stairs.

"What does that even mean?" Quackity remarked.

"Yeah, what did he give you?" Tommy questioned with confusion and growing anger.

"I can't tell you what he gave me but, he gave me something that means I will have to defend Manburg." He said calmly from above.

"What!?!?" Quackity shouted up at him, moving closer to the stairs. "What the hell did he give you?! Why do you have to defend Manburg?!"

"I can't say what he gave me." Dream spoke sternly. "I can tell you however that there's a traiter among you." This caused some whispering before Dream spoke again. "But, I mean, you can blow it up if you want. I don't care about that." He said nonchalantly.

"Alright! Awesome! So the plan is still on-" Wilbur began excitedly, before Quackity and Tommy cut him off with a series of "no"s and "wait"s.

"You need to fucking explain Dream." Tommy shouted back at him. The man only sighed and once again said that he couldn't tell us what had been given to him.

"He gave me something that none of you could offer me. And no amount of negotiating or begging will make me change my mind." He finished.

"Not even if I asked you to stay?" I questioned, stepping forward. The man with the mask turned to look at me and I could see him hesitate.

"You told me not to come back. That's what I'm doing." And then he turned around and walked back up the stairs out of Pogtopia. I scoffed and quickly retreated to my room, slamming the door. I never should have let my emotions in. I thought as I felt a silent tear roll down my cheek.

Technoblade's pov

I watched silently as the situation unfolded in front of me. I stayed quiet until Ophelia retreated to her room and slammed the door. As soon as she did so I began to ascend the stairs, ignoring the incessant shouts below me.

"I understand your motives, but you should know, you may never get her back if you do this." I speak calmly once I catch up to Dream at the top of the stairs. He was about to open the door to Pogtopia but froze at my words.

"It may not seem like it...but I'm doing this for her. I don't care if she hates me for it. I have to do this." He said, turning to face me.

"This isn't about her hating you. Ophelia is just starting to open up to her emotions and by doing this you could cut her off from them completely. And if that happens, she'll never gain control over her powers." I explained. The man didn't say anything for a while, so we just stood there in silence.

"Then promise me something." He finally spoke. I rose my brow in question. "Don't let her." I could see a small smile form just below his mask as he spoke. I let out a short laugh and gave him a curt nod.

"That's the plan. But it'd be a whole lot easier without you ditching her." I joked half heartedly. "I sure hope this thing Schlatt gave you is worth it." I said smirking.

"Believe me." He spoke, as he turned to the door again. "It is." He then opened the door and disappeared into the woods. With that I headed back down the stairs to find Nikki. It wasn't hard, she was still sat on one of the makeshift couches near the fire.

"Nikki." I called out to her when I reached the bottom of the stairs. Startled by me, she snapped out of whatever daze she was in and looked over to me.

"Yes?" She asked shyly.

"Go talk to Ophelia. She needs a friend right now." I spoke sternly. She shook her head slightly and looked down at her feet.

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