Chapter twenty - Confusion

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After Tommy had explained what Dream did to me I turned and ran into the woods. I was currently sitting with my back against a tree, curled into a ball with my head on my knees. I wasn't crying anymore but my face was still red and puffy with tear stained cheeks.

Why? If he really did do this to me. If he really is the reason I can't remember my life, than why? Why would he take care of me? Why would he train me? Why would he kiss me?

I sat in the middle of the forest drowning in my thoughts. I wasn't sure of anything anymore. Before I was ok with not knowing my past because I knew I had Dream. But now I'm not sure if I ever had him. I don't know if I can trust him or if I ever could.

Maybe Tommy was right. If he really is the reason I lost my memories, than maybe he isn't who I thought he was. Maybe he's the bad guy. He did start a war with l'manburg...but l'manburg stole his land and were selling drugs...but he did try to kill Tommy...but Tommy has done some pretty questionable and agitating things. Ugh! I'm so confused!

I let out a frustrated groan right before I heard footsteps somewhere near by.

"Ophelia?" A young voice asked. Shit.

"Ophelia is that you-" They spoke again as they came around the tree and spotted me. "We've been looking for you everywhere!" Tubbo exclaimed as he ran up to me. He crouched down in front of me and engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry about what Tommy said! He shouldn't have told you that! At least not in the way he did. I know Dream's your friend and you care about him. I'm so sorry you had to find out that way." He spoke quickly. I lifted my head from my knees and he pulled away slightly so we could meet eye to eye.

"But it's true? Dream really did do this to me? It's his fault?" I questioned. He had a sad expression on his face as he spoke.

"I'm afraid so." I let out a heavy sigh and a couple more tears fell from my eyes.

"What else did he do." I said sternly. It wasn't a question, it was a demand. My unexpected cold tone seemed to scare Tubbo slightly.

"What do you mean?" He asked quietly.

"I want to know everything he did to l'manburg, to you, to my brothers." He hesitated for a minute before telling me every wrong thing he did to them. By the end of it a couple more tears had fallen from my tired eyes and it was dark out. He had done so much to them and yes maybe sometimes they deserved to be punished, but he crossed the line multiple times.

I think the worst one was when Tubbo and Tommy went to the community house to leave a note asking to bargin for peace, and Dream and his team chased them all the way back to l'manburg threatening to kill them and ended up stealing all their loot.

When Tubbo had finished he said we should start heading back. We were now at the door to my house and we said our goodbyes before I walked in and shut the door. I let out a heavy sigh, walked into the living room, and collapsed onto the couch.

I was at a cross roads. On one side I understood where l'manburg was coming from and why they hated Dream so much. On the other I was upset with Dream and everything he did, including what he did to me. Wait. Does he even know he's the one who did this? I hadn't thought of that yet. When we met in the woods he seemed like he had no idea who I was so how would he know that he caused my accident if he didn't even know I was in l'manburg. That could have all been a ruse though. I don't know what to believe anymore.

I groaned in annoyance and just decided to go to bed for the night. I didn't want to meet with Dream. I wasn't ready to confront him.

. . .

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