Chapter thirty six - The Beginning

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Ophelia's pov


"Tommy stop! Give me my sword back!" I shouted out of pure anger as I chased my brother out of the house.

"Ha ha! You're gonna have to catch me!" He shouted back, laughing at my desperation.

"I swear to God Tommy if you do anything to that sword I'll kill you! And I mean anything! If you so much as get dirt on it, You're dead!" Despite my warning he continued to run into the trees, laughing playfully.

"UGH! DAMMIT TOMMY!" But my brother was far out of my sight by then. And it was a good thing too because I was so angry my eyes started glowing and my wings began to spread. My vision became blurred by anger and before I knew it I had blacked out.

The next thing I saw was a eighteen old boy with pink hair sitting on the forest floor in front of me covered in cuts and bruises. He was watching me with hesitance and slight fear. And he was breathing heavily like he had just gone on a run.

"Techno?" I questioned, confusion clear in my words. He let out a sigh of relief before picking himself off the ground.

"Welcome back." He said with his normal monotone voice.

"Welcome back? What are you-" I cut myself off with a gasp when I realized what had happened. "I did this to you didn't I?"

"What? this?" He questioned jokingly. "Don't worry about it, I've looked worse." He deadpanned.

"I'm so sorry Techno." I whispered, tears beginning to blur my vision as I crumbled to the ground. His eyes widened and he froze.

"Uh-hey no need to cry-uh-I'm not so great at the whole comfort thing so-" He stuttered out.

"Sorry." I spoke while I tried to pull myself together. I decided to stay on the ground though and Techno seemed to get the message so he joined me.

"Can I ask you something?" He inquired once I had stopped crying.

"Sure." I said, looking up at him. He was sat in front of me, both of us sitting with our legs crossed.

"What was that?" I lowered my gaze. I knew the question was coming. But I also knew that someone would find out eventually.

"It's my hybrid powers." I mumbled with a sigh.

"I've never seen any kind of hybrid powers like that before." He said. "It's incredible."

I froze. "What?" I inquired so quietly, I wasn't sure he even heard me.

"Your powers. They're incredible." He said like it was obvious.

"You're not afraid of me?" Ever since I was little my father told me, if anyone found out about my powers they would fear me. In his twisted mind that was a good thing. He wanted people to fear me so that he could control them. But I didn't want any part in that. And I didn't want people to run and scream in fear once they saw what I was. But he convinced me that's all that would ever happen.

"Of course not." He said with a small laugh. "You're my sister after all. Besides if I were afraid of you I would need to be afraid of myself ."

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