Chapter eighteen - Our Spot

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I walked through the dark forest, sword in hand and at the ready. I ran into a couple mobs here and there, but thanks to my training with Dream I killed them with ease. Soon I arrived at the hidden flower field and before I pulled back the vines, hanging from the cave entrance, I hesitated.

What if he's not here? He could still think I'm passed out and might not have bothered to show up.

I shook the thoughts from my head and pulled back the vines to be greeted by the lights of a million fire flys. Standing right in the middle without his mask was the man I had fallen for. His back was turned to me, so he hadn't noticed me yet. I decided to use this to my advantage. I slowly walked up to him, being as quiet as humanly possible. When I was standing directly behind him I wrapped my arms around his torso and put my head on his shoulder. He flinched, but when he realized it was me he relaxed.

"You scared the shit out of me." He said, chuckling slightly.

"Which part? The part where I passed out the second you lost sight of me? Or the part where I snuck up on you?" I asked teasingly.

"Both." He said, laughing at my stupid antics. He then took my arms off him and turned to face me. I let out a small whine, from the loss of touch. He laughed at that, and I felt my cheeks heat up. He then placed my arms around his neck before he wrapped his around my waist. I layed my head on his chest and he placed his on top of mine. We stood in a comfortable scilence for a while just holding onto one another.



"What are we?" I asked. Part of me knew the answer, but I wanted to make it official.

"What do you want us to be?" He asked knowingly.

"I want to be yours. And you to be mine." I spoke, smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you asking to be my girlfriend?" He asked teasingly.

"And for you to be my boyfriend." I added on with that same stupid grin on my face.

"Whatever you want princess." He said. I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

We eventually pulled away and sat in the feild of flowers and talked for at least three hours. Then we just watched the stars. I taught him what little I knew about the constellations and before we knew it the time was two in the morning.

"It's pretty late we should head back." I spoke sadly as I stood from my spot on the ground.

"Yeah, your probably right." He said with a sigh.

I held out a hand for Dream and he gladly took it. We walked out of the enclosed field hand in hand. Just before I was about to pull back the vines to exit the small cave, Dream pulled me into his chest. I let out a small squeal of surprise and laughed at his actions. I was about to pull away when he placed his hand on my cheek. I looked up, my gaze meeting his. I felt my cheeks warm and when Dream started to lean in I did the same. My eyes fluttered shut just as our lips connects like peices to a puzzle. Our lips moved in sync with one another and I smiled into the kiss. We soon pulled away and took a second to catch our breaths.

"That was a pretty good goodbye kiss." I said, breathlessly. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. He placed his mask back on and pulled back the vines. We walked together, hand in hand, until we reached the part of the forest where we had to part ways.

"Goodbye my princess." He said just before he gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Goodbye my prince." I spoke. He chuckled a little.

"Finally found a nickname for me huh?" He said teasingly. I giggled as I started my walk down the path to my house as he made his way back to his base.

As I walked away I felt eyes on me. I turned around to see if Dream was looking my way, but he was still just walking in the other direction. I shrugged it off and continued my walk home. Eventually the feeling went away.

The whole walk home that stupid grin never left my face. I couldn't stop smiling. He just made me so happy. Next thing I knew I was back at the small cottage. I sighed and walked inside looking around at what is supposed to be my home.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was the kitchen. It had a white marble counter with a furnace, fridge, and sink in between it. There was also a microwave above the furnace with multiple cabinets on eaither side of it. The same Burch cabinets where also under the counter, along with a few drawers. An island with the same white marble sat in the middle of the room.

Beyond the kitchen you could see the living room. There was an L couch sitting in the middle of the room and a TV mounted on the wall it was facing. In front of the couch sat a glass coffee table with blanket folded and stored underneath it.

There where a couple pictures here and there too. Some where just standard paintings while others where of me and the people in l'manburg. There was one that caught my eye though. It was of me, Tommy, Wilbur, a man with blonde hair covered by a green bucket hat, and a pink haired pig hybrid. Too tired to inspect the image any further I made my way to what I guessed was my room.

The room had a queen sized bed with navy blue sheets and confitor. On both sides of the bed where Burch wood night stands with a lamp on each of them. There was a closet at the foot of the bed and on the opposite wall from the door was a window. And lastly was a dresser on the wall next to the door.

I searched my closet and dresser until I found a pair of pajamas and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before slipping my pj's on and heading to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

. . .

It had been a couple days of me living in l'manburg and I was starting go get used to it. I would spend all day with the l'manburgians and help in any way I could. I helped some citizens build some houses, and did a lot of farming so we had enough food.

As the days went on I started to remember more and more about my previous time in l'manburg. Unfortunately most things were still a bit fuzzy though.

Every night I would meet Dream in the hidden flower field and we would spend hours just talking. Some nights he would help me best he could with the gaps in my memory. Other nights we would talk about our days. I would tell him about what I had done in l'manburg and he would talk about some stupid argument Sapnap and George were having or about what he did that day. He mostly talked about how him, George, and Sapnap were moving into the castle. That was what took up most of his day at the moment.

I got to know my brothers more and was still able to see my boyfriend. The only downer was I hadn't seen George or Sapnap in a while. I missed them but I took what I could get. Other than that things were pretty good.

That was until the election started.


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Little bit of a shorter chapter today. I didn't want to start a whole new scene and have the chapter like 3,000 words. Sooooo yeah.

Anyways, some fluff for you guys. Hope you enjoyed because now things are gonna get angsty.

Also. I wonder who was watching them in the forest??? :)

I'll leave you to think about that. Sorry not sorry!!

Have a great day/night! Bye!

Author out o7

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