Chapter nine - A Sincere Letter

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Dream's pov

It had been three days since I shot Ophelia. She still hadn't woken up, and I hadn't left the base. I was currently sitting on a chair next to Ophelia's bed watching her chest rise and fall.

Her shoulder was healing nicely thanks to the healing potion, from what George tells me, but for some reason she was still unconscious. It didnt make sense. According to him she should've woken up a couple hours after the incident. For some reason this was really bothering me. I tried my best doing my normal tasks, but my focus always shifted back to her. Why? Why do i care what happens to this girl? I eventually gave up and just ended up visiting her every hour.

I received countless letters from Tommy (since I turned off my communicator) yelling and cursing at me, demanding me to 'release' his sister as if she was a prisoner. Sister. I can't believe I didn't know she was Tommy's sister.

I also received a few letters from Wilbur who was a lot more calm, but he too eventually became angry. I guess I can't blame him. She's his sister too after all. Adopted, but still.

Aside from the angry letters, the war had basically been put on pause. No one made a move. It was like an unspoken agreement.

I heard a knock at the door and turned my head to see a very tired George.

"Dream it's almost one in the morning. You should go to bed." He whispered groggily through the crack in the doorway. He had opened it up just enough to poke his head in. Was is really almost one a.m? How long was I sitting here?

"Sure. Yeah I'll go now." I said standing up from the chair beside the bed. George nodded but stayed put in the doorway, opening the door wider for me to walk out. He then closed the door behind me, and looked up at me with tired eyes. He must've woken up, only to tell me to go to bed.

"You like her don't you?" He asked still whispering. My eyes widened slightly.

"W-what?" I stammered staring down at him.

"You like her. It's quite obvious you know. You haven't left the base once this week and you've visited her every hour."

"George it's not like that. One, I haven't left the base because I could run into someone from l'manburg and they could follow me back here. Two, I've been visiting her because it's my fault she's like this. And three, You said she should be awake by now, and the fact that shes not is just a little concerning, that's all." I explained in a whisper. George just stared at me, blankly. It was silent for a while, and I was about to head off to my room before George spoke again.

"Dream I know that's not the real reason. You may not be able to admit it to yourself but, you care about her. And don't say it's your fault, she jumped in the path of the arrow. You haven't left because you want to be here when she wakes up. Besides your too paranoid to let anyone follow you back to the base." He said with a small laugh at the end. No that's not it. That can't be it. But if that's not the truth...then...why can't I focus on anything with her the way she is? Why did my world crack when I watched as the arrow embed itself in her shoulder?

I was pulled out my thoughts as George started to walk away, a small smile forming on his face. "You love her." He said walking into his room and closing the door, leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway in shock.

I love her?

. . .

"You've got another letter Dream." Sapnap said, sliding the envelope across the kitchen counter in my direction. He then sat down on the stool next to me, looking through the rest of the mail. I sighed as I picked it up, reading who it was from. Tommy. Of course. Though what did I expect?

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