Chapter forty two - Get Through

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Tubbo's pov

It had been twenty three minutes and thirty four seconds since I had made it to Pogtopia before someone finally entered the ravine. I had been pacing back and forth at the bottom, anxiously waiting for anyone to come back and tell me what was going on. But to my disappointment, Wilbur was the only one to enter.

"Where's everyone else?!?!" I shouted before he was even halfway down the steps. He stopped and looked down at me, and then back at the door he had arrived through, then back down at me.

"They're not here?" He asked sounding just as confused as I felt.

"No!!" I shouted as I threw my arms up in frustration. His eyes widened slightly before he looked away and continued down the stairs. When he reached the bottom he took one last look around before asking me another question.

"Well where is everyone?" I stared at him for a second before responding.

"That's what I asked you!!" I let out in anger.

"Will you stop yelling for two seconds Tubbo. I'm having a bad enough of a day as it is and you yelling isn't helping." He said as he rubbed his forehead. I scoffed.

"Well I'm sorry if me worrying about our friends is bothering you." I grumbled as I shoved passed him, heading for the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I heard him question me. I stopped and turned around to answer him.

"To find my friends." I continued walking. I heard a loud sigh before he spoke again.

"Just wait here Tubbo, they'll come back eventually."

"I have been waiting!"

"If you go out there now they could end up coming back while you're gone and you'd be out there for no reason besides putting yourself in danger." I stopped again and thought about what he said. "Why don't you just come back down here so you can tell me why you're so worried." I did as he said and explained to him what happened with Ophelia and how something was going on with Tommy.

Dream's pov

Techno and I continued to fight Ophelia in her Ender Dragon form as we listened to her father's deranged laughter behind us.

"This isn't working!" I shouted as I rolled to the side to dodge a fireball she had thrown.

"Ever heard of patience?" Techno questioned condescendingly. As he spoke I bolted forwards with my axe held up to swing at her, but just before I did I dove underneath her and hit her on the back instead. I watched with amazement and slight horror as the slash began healing itself already.

"This is pointless! She'll just keep healing!" I shouted as I jumped back to avoid getting hit by Ophelia once she turned around.

"Ah, so the boy does have a brain!" Ophelia's father shouted from a far. "You're right! It's pointless! She's an unbeatable beast that will kill you both!" He began laughing again.

"Wasn't talking to you asshole!" I shouted angerly as I looked back at him. The second I looked back though, I was met with a wing to the face. The brutal and unexpected force knocked me back a couple feet. I stood up and shook it off before going to join the fight again. But before I did, I realized something. "Techno!"

"A little busy right now Dream! Besides what are you doing over there, I thought you wanted to help!?" Techno hollered back as he ducked under Ophelia's left wing.

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