Chapter five - Letter of Surrender

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"What's that?" I inquired, referring to the letter in Dream's hand. We were in the kitchen. I was sat at the counter while he was standing on the other side.

"It's nothing." He said before folding up the piece of paper, and shoving it in his hoodie pocket. "Where's George and Sapnap?" He asked, almost urgently.

"George is still sleeping I think, and Sapnap is in the living room watching some anime with Karl." Karl was one of Sapnap's closest friends, other than Dream and George. Karl seemed really nice, though I had only met him yesterday when I came back from training with Dream. He had light brown hair and wore this very colorful sweatshirt with a green swirl on the front. He also wore black jeans and some light purple sneakers.

He sighed, annoyed. "Tell George and Sapnap I'm waiting for them in my office when he wakes up." He said before starting to walk off.

"Dream! It's 9 a.m! George might not be up for hours! You-" and he's gone. Seriously? He's not really going to wait in their till George wakes up right? I groaned, standing up to walk down the hall to the living room. This has to be about the letter. His mood changed the second he read it. Why won't he tell me what it is? I turned into the living room to find Sapnap and Karl cuddling on the couch. I didn't want to disturb them, so instead of telling them what Dream said, I walked out of the room silently. I'll talk to him later. He seems...busy. I thought smiling.

Tommy's pov

"YOU FUCKING WHAT!?" I screamed at Wilbur. We were in the camarvan. He had called a meeting with me, Tubbo, Fundy, and two new recruits, Niki and Jack.

"I already told you it was best if we surrender Tommy." Will said seemingly annoyed. He just told us he had sent a letter to Dream asking to negotiate in a couple hours.

"You could have at least fucking told us that you were going to send a letter!" I yelled.

"Tommy maybe Wilburs right. Maybe if we negotiate-" Tubbo started quietly before I cut him off.

"It doesn't fucking matter if we negotiate! Dream still wins! Dream gets exactly what he wants!"

"He's left us no other choice Tommy. We already lost Ophelia and our people are suffering. We can't loose anymore." Wilbur said sadly. It was silent for a while. Everyone was looking at their feet, at the mention of Ophelia. Wilbur hit a nerve and he knew it. None of us were sure what happened to her and as the days went on some of us were starting to think the worst.

"Fine...but I'm going with you." I replied sternly, now looking Will in the eyes. I heard someone scoff from the other side of the room.

"Yeah right. If you go you'll just fuck the whole thing up. No way." Jack said from the corner.

"Fuck you Jack!" I yelled, anger written on my face. "No I wouldn't!"

"Oh come on Tommy, we all know you only want to go so he doesn't surrender." He wasn't wrong, but I would never admit that. Of course I didn't want to fucking surrender.

"Maybe it's best if Wibur goes alone Tommy-" Tubbo started before I cut him off once again.

"I'm not gonna fuck anything up! I'm going with!" I yelled storming to the door before Wilbur stepped in front of it, blocking me in. I looked up at him.

"Everyone's coming Tommy, but if you want to be able to speak, you gotta' do one thing." He said sternly. "Don't run your mouth and no challenging Dream for his honor. None of that." He said looking down at me.

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