Chapter twenty one - The Election

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It turns out I did have the supplies to make the posters and more than enough of it too. Judging by the amount of supplies I found at the bottom of my closet, I think drawing and painting was a hobby of mine. I decided I had nothing better to do and I needed to get my mind off of things, so I started to sketch out the poster designs.

. . .

It had been a couple days and by then I had finished the posters and they were hung all over l'manburg. I decided I wasn't ready to face Dream quite yet, so I had been skipping out on our meetings. I mostly just spent my time getting to know my brothers better. Me and Will were fairly close by now and Tommy was more tolerable at times. I was also closer with Tubbo, Niki, Fundy, and Jack who I had met the day while I was hanging the posters.

Apparently I already knew Fundy though. It turns out we had been best friends since I met him when he first joined l'manburg.

Niki also already knew me, but only because she took care of me while I was in the hospital wing. We get along really great and she's just the sweetest person to ever exist.

Jack didn't know me at all though which I found kind of refreshing. It's nice having someone not know who I used to be who's not constantly comparing me to the former me.

Niki didn't know the former me either, but she heard a lot from Wilbur. Her and Wilbur are really close I guess and when I was missing he told her everything. She was basically his therapist.

Now I was just sitting on the wall of l'manburg just enjoying the sunrise. Wilbur told me it was the most beautiful he had ever seen, so I woke up early so I could walk from my house and come see it. He wasn't wrong. It was beautiful, but I didn't have anything to compare it to.

"I told you it was beautiful." A man with a British accent spoke from behind me. I turned to see Wilbur climbing up the last bit of the ladder.

"Yes. Yes it is." I said, turning back around and smiling at the colorful sky. He came and sat next to me. We sat in a comfortable scilence for some time while we watched as the sun grew higher in the sky. Eventually the colors of the sunrise were all gone and we were left with the blazing sun.

"Were hosting the election today." Wilbur spoke flatly. My eyes widened.

"What?" I said turning to him.

"Today is when l'manburg will vote for the party pog2020 or swag2020." He said, still staring at the sky.

"Thats today?"

"Yes." His voice was still flat and he hadn't looked at me.

"That was quick." I said, still in shock as I looked back at the sky in front of us. It had only been a week since Wilbur decided to have an election and only five days since Quackity joined it.

"Were ready, and I don't want to give Quackity any extra time." He said standing up. I followed him down the ladder and into the van.

"Oh! Hey Ophelia!" Tubbo said cheerfully as we entered the van. I gave him a small wave and a smile.

"Where's Tommy?" Wilbur asked the boy.

"He said he's working on the endorsement." Tubbo said with a bright smile. Endorsement? They have an endorsement now? Who?

"Message him on coms and tell him to hurry it up." Wilbur said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the van. I gave a goodbye wave to Tubbo just before Will yanked me out the door. Once we were outside he released my hand and I followed him to what looked like a podium.

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