Chapter twenty three - House Visit

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Dream's pov

As she walked away from me with Tubbo and Jack on both her sides I stood in shock not able to say or do anything. When I finally found my bearings it was too late. She had disappeared into the sea of people. I silently cursed myself before turning around and making my way out of l'manburg.

What happened? Did Tommy say something to her? And what happened to her voice? It's monotone and cold. I haven't seen or heard from her in days. Why is she avoiding me?

When I walked out the gates I decided I wanted to take the long way back to the SMP whatever that might be. I turned left when I should have gone straight. I kept thinking about her as I walked. Her voice and how it had changed so much over the course of a few days. Her new found hatred towards me and every possible thing that could've happened for her to hate me.

I was soon pulled out of my intrusive thoughts when a small cottage came into view. Huh. I had no idea this was here. Who lives here? I walked up to the door and knocked a couple times. No one answered. They must not be home. I went around the side and looked through one of the windows to make sure. When I did though my eye caught a picture hung on the wall.

In the picture was a young girl standing with her arm drapped over a little boy's shoulder. The boy wore a playfully annoyed look as he tried to pull away. They looked to be around ten and seven. As I looked closer I recognized the two kids as Ophelia and Tommy. My eyes widened as I realized. This is Ophelia's house! I remember she said she lived somewhere outside of l'manburg.

I decided this was the perfect opportunity to catch her alone and get her to talk to me. I went back to the front of the house and looked around for a spare key. I soon found it hidden underneath a flower pot sat on the small porch. I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

The house was quite cute and homey. I took a look around before going to sit on the couch in the living room. I waited for a little under an hour before I heard the front door open.

"Who's there!" She shouted. I stood from the couch and made my way to the kitchen where I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed.

"Hey Ophelia." I said as I eyed the axe in her hand. "Nice axe." I spoke again with a smirk. She rolled her eyes before allowing the axe to disappear from her hand into her inventory.

"What are you doing here? Why did you break into my house?" She questioned angerly.

"I used a key so technically I didn't break in." I said, the smirk not leaving my face. She let out an annoyed groan as she walked past me to what I assume to be her room. I followed after her and remained in the doorway as she put her stuff away. When she was finished she made her way to the door but I blocked it.

"Dream move." She said coldly. I removed my mask and frowned at her.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked for the second time that day. She didn't respond and tried to push past me, failing. She stopped after a minute and refused to look at me.

"Ophelia...what did I do?" I inquired. She didn't move and seemed to be in deep thought. I lifted her chin so she would look at me. As soon as we locked eyes her expression changed to one of betrayal and hurt. "What happend Ophelia?" A tear fell from her eye and I lifted my thumb to wipe it away.

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