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a/n: the thing that happened between stanley and richie will be explained later :)

august 19th, 1993

eddie decided not to take a jog that brisk morning due to how cold it was outside and avoiding any possibility that he might see richie. he was going to try to avoid richie the best he could. he hated the thought of possibly seeing his face after what he found out the night before.

the thing between stanley and richie happened years ago, but it still pissed eddie off even though richie and stanley were "acquaintances" now.

eddie wasn't in one bit pissed at stanley though. he couldn't be. it made himself feel like a really shitty person for not listening to stanley. he climbed out of his comfy bed which lingered a warmness on his body. he walked into his bathroom and started his morning routine.

once eddie was ready to leave, he grabbed his lunch that he had forgotten yesterday, which sat in the top of the fridge. he ran over to his bike and sat the brown bag in the basket.

eddie was a third of his way to school when that mechanic thunder hit his ears. the low rumble made the ground shake, his stomach turning more and more as the sound got closer.

"get in!" eddie heard richie's voice as the truck began to slow down. it pierced through his ears. the nasally, baritone voice lingered with a ringing in eddie's ears as he filled with anger. eddie was sure that the rasp in richie's voice was caused by cigarettes.

eddie paid no attention to richie, continuing to pedal. richie kept telling and asking, more like begging, eddie to get in, but eddie kept his head up high as much as he wanted to get into the vehicle.

eddie stopped his bike with a squeak. "leave me the fuck alone!" he shouted at richie. richie bit down, visible by the flex in his neck and jaw as he sped away.

eddie let richie turn down another road before he started pedaling again. he sighs softly, a bit of relief washing over him again. eddie thought it would have felt better than it did to get richie off his back.

eddie couldn't just drop everything that happened yesterday. the morning was amazing, but it just spiraled down from there.

once he got to the school, eddie locked his bike on the metal rack before heading inside. he met up with stan and his locker, putting in the code and opening it. "he tried picking me up again this morning."

eddie went ahead and told stanley everything that happened the night before from what happened outside the cafeteria, to dropping him off, to the morning drive he had with the goons.

"and...?" stanley stood up a bit more, putting his hands in his front khaki pockets.

"and i told him to leave me alone. he was pissed." eddie sighed out, shutting his locker. he rubbed his head before looking at stanley.

stanley looks at eddie who had the most lost look in his eyes. stan just sighed, pulling eddie in for a hug. eddie hugs back tightly, burying his head in the shoulder of stan's shirt. it smelt of pine and paint. eddie missed his stanley hugs.

as kids, every time eddie got hurt (physically or emotionally), stanley would always offer a hug to him. it was just a thing they had been doing since fifth grade, when they first met. it always helped, no matter what the situation was.

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