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eddie was listening to richie's stupid childhood story about how richie got a quarter stuck between the gap in his teeth as he tried finding the way to the interstate.

"why the fuck would you put money in your mouth? that's fucking disgusting." eddie cringed, keeping his eyes on the road.

"you're the one who kisses this trashmouth," richie exclaimed. eddie couldn't argue with richie. "besides, eds, do you have any nasty childhood stories?"

"this is a different kind of nasty. one time i saw the pharmacist jacking off in the back booth of the pharmacy." eddie scrunched his nose at the thought.

"oh fuck!" richie yelled in disgust, a hard candy hitting against his teeth, "mr. keene?!"

"yes!" eddie groans. "it was so fucking disgusting."

"i always knew he was a perv! he fucking hits on bev all the time, even when she was like fourteen." richie shakes his head. "god, i hate that man."

"i do too." eddie mumbles out.

richie's head snapped towards the radio as the piano began. he turns it up as eddie gasps, immediately grabbing eddie's hand.

the boys scream and laugh to the music as it comes on, nothing but lightheartedness radiating off both of them.

"i love you, richie!" eddie screamed before the chorus.

"i love you too, eddie!" richie slipped in before singing the chorus.

as richie's starting on the first hold me closer tiny dancer, eddie comes up on a stop sign.

eddie's foot presses against the brake.

the car keeps rolling.

eddie immediately turned pale green. his memories and the streetlights flashed through his vision, his eyes unfocusing as if they were a broken camera. he screamed in fear, wheezing as he saw the speedometer hit sixty miles per hour.

his father died at eighty miles per hour.

"richie! the fucking brakes!" eddie sobbed out in fear.

richie's eyes widened as he saw eddie stomping on the brakes, and when he saw the car wasn't slowing, he began screaming as well.

sixty five miles per hour.

"richie, what the fuck do i do?!" eddie screamed as richie tried pulling the emergency brake.

it snapped out of the place it was in, completely breaking in half.

richie grabs onto eddie's hand even tighter, looking at the ring he had given eddie. richie takes his other hand to turn eddie's head to him. "relax and don't tense up." richie looked at eddie's tear flooded eyes, richie's eyes also becoming tear filled, small tears falling down both of the boys faces. "embrace for impact."

seventy miles per hour.

richie turned forward to see that they were heading straight off a cliff. he covered eddie's eyes. richie didn't want eddie to see what was happening.

"i've had the time of my life with you." richie sighed out shakily, strain in his voice. "i love you, eddie."

"i love you, richie." eddie cries out.

richie looked at eddie, his eyes fell over eddie's chest. the usual thick, black line that was normally across his torso during the car rides they've had wasnt there.

eddie didn't have his seatbelt on.

seventy-seven miles per hour.

before richie could reach over to grab eddies seatbelt, the car was launched off of a cliff that was about two football fields tall.

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