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tw! homophobia, abuse?

august 23rd, 1993

eddie woke up in the floor beside bill's bed. he sits up as bill turns the alarm off, standing up and stretching. eddie grabbed an outfit out of his backpack that he had brought over bill's two days prior.

eddie walks into the bathroom and begins his shower. stanley made sure that eddie was in the bathroom before sitting up next to bill who was still trying to sleep despite the alarm going off. he kisses his cheek. "you have to get up sometime, sleepyhead." stan smiles as bill looks up at him.

a small smile makes its way across bill's face. "o-okay. fine, i-i'm up." bill sits up and begins to stand up.

stanley taps bill's hand softly, puckering his lips a bit. bill turns and smiles, kissing his lips softly. "buh- better?"

"much. thank you." stanley replied before he stood up.

eddie gets out of the shower and changed into a dressy, blue sweater with jeans. eddie still hadn't told stanley and bill about the entirety of the night. before. at least not about the fighting and crying. it hurt eddie to even think about putting richie through that. he felt guilty.

eddie brushes his teeth before walking back over to the bedroom and found stanley and bill back on the bed, doing something much more questionable than eddie expected to see.

"oh god!" eddie yelled, covering his eyes. "give me a warning next time!"

bill jumped off of stanley, grabbing eddie's backpack. he shoved it into eddie's hands before shutting the door on eddie.

eddie gasped as the door was slammed in his face. he felt like he had done something wrong, and eddie thought that he was just a burden to them anyways. "fuck you too, i guess!" eddie yelled, halfway jokingly, before running of the house.

he began his long journey to school on the pale pavement. eddie turned when he heard a loud motor. he watched as the red truck passed him. it wasn't richie.

eddie's eyes widen at that thought. richie.

instead of walking straight to school, he had to stop at richie's to tell him that bill and stanley were busy. it gave eddie a little more motivation to walk faster to his destination.

eddie arrived at richie's house about ten minutes later. he pecks on the door, waiting patiently for the door to open.

the door never did.

eddie let himself in, walking upstairs and over to richie's room. he stopped in the doorway and watched richie who was still in bed, his homework scattered on the comforters. eddie sighed gently, looking at the lanky boy as he stretched out and snored. eddie grinned to himself before walking over to the bedside table.

eddie wrote on a note in his neat cursive, "bill and stanley are having fun. you should walk today; catch me if you can."

eddie walked downstairs and out of the house, shutting the door behind him. he made his way down the sidewalk once again, kicking a pebble.

eddie kicked the pebble harder and harder with each kick. soon, the pebble was stopped by another foot. eddie looked up at the guy who has sported a blonde mullet as far back as eddie could remember.


eddie started to back away before he was grabbed up by the collar. "heard you've been hanging with mr. tozier, hm? trying to fix the broken boy?"

eddie swallowed harshly, not knowing what to say to henry. why would henry care, anyways?

"answer me." henry slammed eddie onto the wire fence, getting out his switch blade. "you little boy-kisser. you like kissing boys, huh?"

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