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stanley got out of the vehicle for eddie, getting into the bed of the truck with bill. eddie got into the passenger's seat, buckling his seatbelt as richie grabbed his hand, kissing it.

"where's your mom tonight? she was supposed to meet me-"

"to beat your ass again?" eddie smirked, letting out a small giggle himself as richie let out a laugh, balancing the giggle. "she on a business trip, rich."

"ahh, so i get my eds all week. score!" richie shouted, throwing a fist into the air and cheering after. to tell the truth, richie has made scenarios in his head as well. he couldn't wait to wake up next to eddie every morning, their legs entangled or eddie's thrown over his body. he couldn't wait to be able to kiss every square inch of eddie's body-

"not for a week. until tuesday." eddie sighed out. he also wished that it was more than just a couple days. he wanted to be with richie every millisecond of his life. richie made eddie feel as if he were the only person in the world, and eddie knew that richie viewed him that way as well.

richie felt a slight frown draw onto his lips. "well at least you can get out a bit, right?"

eddie just nods, leaving the conversation as is.


richie finally got to the bottom of a wide canyon under one of derry's biggest bridges.

as richie drove four-wheel drive all the way down, eddie let out shrieks of fear as richie's clunky truck rolled down the very steep hills. richie was trying to hush him as eddie stared at stanley and bill who were getting thrown around in the bed of the truck, but they were laughing, their faces even red from doing so. richie had grabbed eddie's hand, squeezing it tightly. and with that, eddie was okay.

richie parked next to mike's truck which was parked next to bev's sports car that her aunt had bought her for her sixteenth birthday. it was one of bev's very few prized possessions. she didn't get out with it much, but this was a special occasion.

eddie watched stanley and bill get out of richie's truck and over into mike's slightly better looking truck. mike's truck looked used and dirty. richie's truck was just old and unmanageable. bev was in the driver's seat of her car, and ben was riding in the passenger's side.

eddie then realized what was happening as richie cranked his truck again, followed by mike and bev's vehicles.

they were about to race.

"richie, is this a good idea?" eddie mumbled, looking over at richie who was sticking his tongue out at his opponents. eddie huffs as richie didn't answer, continuing to mock their friends. he slapped him in the shoulder as richie looked down at him.

"huh?" richie shouted over the blaring engines. "whatever your question was: the answer is yes, definitely."

before eddie could say anything else, richie yelled out, "SMELL YOU LATER!" as he floored the gas pedal, eddie let out a loud scream of fear, clawing into richie's forearm as his body was forced against the seat by richie's truck.

richie cackled, watching bev and mike in his rear view. they were honking as they took off, yelling insults at richie for starting early. he looked over at eddie then at the road.


"how the fuck am i supposed to relax when you're drag racing under a fucking bridge?!" eddie shrieked as mike began getting too close to richie's truck, trying to run him off course. eddie looked over at the three in the vehicle. mike was laughing loudly with bill as stanley was hanging his head out of the window, howling.

richie grabbed eddie's thigh, looking over at him. "i got you, eds. we'll be alright." he smiled before speeding up even more somehow.

eddie took a couple deep breaths. he still couldn't breathe very well, so he shoved richie's back window open. "i'm surfing."

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