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september 1st, 1993

eddie glances over at the radio's clock.

1:34 am

eddie rubs his eyes, yawning slightly at that thought that he would already be asleep if he were at home. as he glanced at the sleeping richie who turned to face eddie again, that thought was suddenly forgotten, causing eddie to crack a smile and look back to the road.

soon enough the sign reading, "new york in 0.5 miles," was ahead, and eddie couldn't be more ecstatic. well, he probably could if he were more awake, but it still made eddie fill with joy as they entered his dream state. perhaps they would stay there if he convinced richie.

he knew that their plan was for eddie to drive through the night and early morning, but eddie could barely keep his eyes open. he turned off the next exit with motels. eddie searches around the small city for a decent hotel and found one quickly.

eddie pulls the car into a parking spot, yawning and turning it off. he shook richie's shoulder a bit, causing richie to smack eddie's hand away in his sleep.

eddie laughed a bit, nudging richie again with a bit more force this time. "richie, babe, we have to go into this hotel. i can't keep my eyes open."

richie groans before stretching. he peeks up at eddie through the curls that were hanging over his face. "pussy."

eddie rolled his eyes with a smile. "am not, dickhead." he unbuckles and steps out of the car and waits for richie. he takes this time to stretch out his legs and back.

once they were in the room, richie flopped down on the bed. eddie only brought the plastic bag into the room, full of their hygiene products for the morning. eddie sits it in the bathroom before walking back into the bedroom. he pulls off his shirt, leaving him in some pajama pants that had small polar bears on them. eddie lays down beside the already snoring richie. eddie assumes that richie felt him crawl into bed due to the arm that was immediately wrapped around eddie's waist, pulling him in closer.

eddie smiles, pecking richie's lips softly, and a small grin grows on richie's face. eddie pulls the cover over their bodies.

"i love you, richie."

"i love you too, eds."


eddie woke up around eleven that morning, feeling a coldness on his back that he was no longer used to feeling. eddie turned to find that richie was no longer in bed with him.

eddie quickly got out of bed. "richie," he yelled out, a bit panicked that richie had left him all alone.

"in here!" richie called out from the shower. eddie walked into the bathroom, relieved to see richie's shadow along the curtain.

"you scared me, rich." eddie mumbled out as he hopped onto the sink counter.

richie peeked his head out of the curtain at eddie, meeting his eyes. "i'm not leaving you, eddie. ever. i'm here to stay, rather you like it or not."

eddie smiles softly at richie's words, exhaling as he spoke. "i'm fine with that. more than fine."

richie grinned before putting his head back behind the curtain.

eddie thought for a moment before taking off his pants and underwear. he slowly reached his hand out before pulling the shower curtain back a bit to step in.

richie's eyes shot open as he looked down at eddie. the grin reappeared on his face. "happy you joined me."

eddie just blushed and smiled back, eyes falling down richie's chest. richie reached his hand out, rubbing over the 'f' shaped scar on eddie's lower stomach. "you should totally get a tattoo over this."

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