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august 20th, 1993

eddie woke up that morning, his brown eyes opening. it felt like someone at stuck a metal pole through his head and was turning it due to his headache. he whimpered a bit as he sat up, rubbing his eyes before opening them.

his vision was still all just blurs, but he could tell that he wasn't in his bedroom. he began to pant, backing up onto the bed.

richie's eyes slowly open due to the small whimpers. he looked up at the bed from the couch, watching eddie as he blinked slowly. he saw that eddie was looking around, trying to figure out who's room it was. richie sat up and walked over to the bed as he slowly touched eddie's arm.

eddies head snapped over at richie, flinching a bit at the touch. "wh-where am i?" he looked up at richie, physical pain visible in his eye.

"you're at my house, in my bed. would you like some tylenol for your head?"

eddie heard richie reply with concern in his voice, but he was focused on the turning feeling in his stomach. it was a nasty, uncomfortable feeling. he felt it began to rise into his throat, covering his mouth.

richie saw the action, turning to go into his bathroom before hearing the gag and vomit. he sighed, looking back over at eddie and his bed that was covered with the blue vodka punch. he pulled the sheets off of eddie who was starting to come to since he got the alcohol out of his system.

as soon as eddie was able to realize that he had puked on himself, he began gagging more. he pulled off his hoodie that was covered with the puke because if eddie smelled vomit, he would puke again.

richie watched eddie freak-out, his eyes widening a bit when he began to undress. "if you just wanted to get naked, you should have said something, and we could have done way before now," richie laughed, taking the hoodie from eddie.

eddie's face turned red as he looked down at his shirtless body. he covered himself by crossing his arms, his hands on his own shoulders.

richie watched eddie cover in embarrassment, shaking his head and tsking at the shorter boy as he began to strip his bed of its sheets. he laughed a bit to himself.

"what's so funny, dickwad?" eddie huffed, looking at richie through his messy hair that had fallen into his face.

"the fact that you think you have to cover up in front of me. for one, we're both guys," richie paused, clearing his voice due to how odd the comment came out. "and two, you're perfect, eddie." he said with a smile on his face.

eddie just stared at richie, his face growing darker and darker by the second. he blinked a couple times, looking down at his feet as he let his arms fall back to his sides. "do you have any clothes that i could wear and take home?" he said quietly.

richie sat the dirty sheets and hoodie outside of his door. "sure thing." richie went over to his small closet, pulling out a longsleeve, black band t-shirt.

eddie has never owned a band t-shirt, let alone any black colored things. his mother wouldn't let him have anything black because it was "edgy." he put on the shirt as richie watched him. it smelled like smoke and musk, but that was no surprise to eddie.

richie liked seeing eddie in his clothes. it brought that feeling back to his chest where his heart started beating a little faster. it was warm and fuzzy all over like a bowl of chili on a cold, winter day. it made him smile. it made him happy which is something he can rarely feel.

eddie cleared his voice after he straightened out the oversized shirt, the sleeves hanging past his hands by at least three inches. "so, can you help me make sense of anything that possibly happened last night?"

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