
37 1 4

a/n: long chapter :)

eddie was so torn about his feelings. he wanted to see the game, or else he would have came for no reason, but he didn't want to see richie or be anywhere around him. richie made him nervous. really nervous.

it was a different nervous than a scared nervous. it was not the same nervousness that his mother gives him when she asks him if he's lying, or the same nervousness you get before giving a presentation at school. it was so different that he couldn't describe it.

eddie looked back at stanley and bill. he trusted beverly, and he knew that she kept promises considering that she's kept eddie's sexuality hidden because he made her promise not to tell anyone.

eddie turned back towards beverly and nods, grabbing onto her hand. she pulled eddie down the steps and all the way to the front. the very front.

as soon as he turned to find his seat, he met eyes with richie, making eye contact. that same fireball in his throat appeared again, only this time, eddie was able to swallow it down. he began to feel his stomach twist as richie smiled.

"nice to see that you joined us, eds." richie grinned down at eddie. he was towering over eddie due to richie enhancing his height by standing on the bleacher.

"not my name."eddie mumbled just loud enough for richie to hear him before he looked over to beverly.

beverly motioned to the concrete wall in front of the bleachers that had a metal bar on it, leaving enough room for your legs. beverly sat herself in front of richie on the concrete wall as she held onto the bar. eddie sat down beside beverly, adjusting his bottom on the concrete wall as he held onto the railing.

eddie was surprised his legs and ass could fit into the space. he had a thicker build for a guy, but his stomach was flat. eddie thought it was always due to being a pudgier kid before puberty, but he also jogs every morning, so it could be muscle or both.

"isn't bad, right?" beverly smiles over at eddie.

eddie shakes his head, trying to forget that richie was right behind him, watching his every move.

the view was really nice though. you were directly in front of the field. he couldn't complain about that at all.

the game started, and everyone began cheering, eddie flinching a bit every time beverly would scream. it was piercing. if she felt him move, she would apologize immediately after.

eddie slowly let himself loose throughout the game, cheering for ben who was the quarterback. he was going to support beverly, and he knew that she was here for ben. even though eddie has no clue what was happening, he still continued to cheer.

once halftime rolled around, beverly and eddie had already almost lost their voices from screaming.

"hey bev?" richie broke the small talk between beverly and eddie as beverly looked at him.

eddie couldn't help but listen in on the conversation.

"i heard that there's going to be a party at steve harrington's house tonight. wanna go?"

"for sure." beverly nods, grinning.

richie looked down at eddie who was still turned away from him. "i bet little eddie couldn't even step foot into a party."

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