
36 1 5

august 22nd, 1993

eddie woke up in richie's bed due to the alarm sounding. he inhaled deeply through his nose, the pillows smelling of richie's shampoo. his bed was a queen size bed, so eddie could stretch out as much as he wanted, letting out a small groan as he did so. he opened his eyes, expecting to see richie beside him.

he was quite disappointed when he woke up to an empty spot in the bed. eddie got out of bed, another one of richie's shirts over his small body. sleeping in a polo-shirt would be very uncomfortable, so he asked richie the night before for a shirt and long boxers that eddie could wear as shorts.

the man of the hour was no where in his bedroom, leaving eddie confused. he walked out of the bedroom, calling out for richie. "richie?" he said, and the one word came out a bit more worried than he meant for it to as he made his was down the stairs.

he heard small noises from the kitchen, slowly walking through the threshold. eddie found richie standing over at the stove with an apron on his shirtless torso. the apron had a floral design, causing eddie to giggle to himself.

eddie didn't feel like he did when he found his mother in the kitchen cooking. richie's gesture was sweet and heart warming. it felt like a cozy hug as he watched richie flip some french toast. richie was singing along to love me tender by elvis presley with the radio that sat on the window sill. richie wasn't a bad singer either. in fact, he sounded better than some singers eddie heard on the radio nowadays.

eddie was swooned over the boy, and he knew it. he walked up to richie who still hadn't noticed him, looking through the cabinets for plates as he sung along with richie. richie looked over at eddie, a wide smile spreading across his face as he was still mumbling the lyrics. it caused eddie to smile back, sitting the plates on the counter. "you're goofy, rich."

"yeah, i know. good morning, baby." richie said as he sat the two pieces of toast on the plates.

the name made eddie's heart skip a bit. his face flushed red once again, "that nickname is much better than eds or eddie spaghetti."

"so you like pet names? note taken, honey-bunches." richie laughed a bit.

eddie cringed before giggling. "not that one."

richie shrugged as he followed eddie over to the table with the syrup. richie sat the syrup on the table before taking off the apron and hanging it back on the stand beside the kitchen. he sits down, looking at eddie who began to eat the french toast dry.

it made richie physically cringe, pushing eddie's hand away from his mouth as eddie raised another piece of toast to his mouth. "ew. put some syrup on it."

"i've never-"

richie gasped dramatically, putting his hand on his heart again. he scoffed in shock. "you've never tried syrup?!" he shrieked before opening the syrup canister. richie drenched eddies's french toast in the thick liquid.

eddie couldn't say no. the syrup with the toast smelled like heaven. eddie cut a piece again, sticking it in his mouth. he closed his eyes as he chewed slowly, the sugary goodness coating every part of his mouth. "fuck," he breathed out in a small groan, looking at richie who was just grinning.

"you just flavor orgasmed." richie snorted, laughing after. eddie huffed, causing richie to laugh more. "no, no. it was kinda hot."

eddie's eyes widened, looking back down at his plate. he became flustered as his face turned cherry red. he began to eat again, so he didn't say anything he might regret.

"you got a thing for syrup?" richie grinned, knowing that eddie wasn't going to answer the question, so he just went back to eating.

"you're so dumb." eddie muttered out, still not looking up at richie.

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