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richie cringed at question, covering his mouth, so he didn't make a noise. he remembered what beverly said.

i'm just telling you from here on out, i'll cover for you two.

richie repeated in his mind, say beverly. say beverly. say beverly.

"stanley's." eddie answered, clearing his voice. "he came over last night and forgot it." he said with a crooked smile.

fuck. richie bit on his knuckle because he was tempted to say a whole lot more than just 'fuck.'

sonia pauses, looking at eddie's odd smile. "right..." she sighs, adjusting her hand on the door knob and looking on the ground before back up at eddie. "have you taken your pills?"

this raised richie's attention, listening closer before seeing eddie get off the bed. he watched him go to the bathroom, turning on the sink. about thirty seconds later, he walks over to his mother who was standing into the door way.

richie peeks out from under the bed where the comforter sagged off the mattress. eddie's mother was checking his mouth to see if he actually took the medicine. it made richie rethink his idea of eddie. he didn't have a perfect home, not whatsoever. eddie was manipulated by his own mother.

it honestly boiled richie's blood to watch eddie's mother do that to eddie. richie wasn't sure why he felt so passionately angry about something he didn't even have control of. eddie's mother had no right to treat eddie like that. eddie didn't deserve to be treated like that.

as eddie turned to walk back to the bed, richie moved back under the bed completely. he watched eddie's mother walk out of the bedroom. there was no "i love you's" said. it made richie hurt for eddie, deep down.

"you can get back up here now." eddie said quietly, feeling embarrassed at the fact that richie had to watch it play out.

richie rolled out from under the bed, going over to the door and locking it. he was pissed, and eddie could see it on his face. "who the fuck does that woman think she is?" richie said under his breath.

"uhm," eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "my mother?"

"exactly. your mother. she should act like one. sure, my mom isn't the best either, and she's far from it. but at least i deserve what she does to me. not you, you don't deserve to be controlled like that," richie walked over to eddie, cupping his face in his hands. "how long has she been doing that to you? making you take those pills?"

eddie gazed up at richie, utterly confused at how richie was acting, though the touch of richie's hands against his face made him turn immensely red. "my entire life." he whispered out.

richie's heart broke for eddie, letting out a deep sigh. "you know those pills are probably fake, right?"

"yes, i know, richie. stanley and beverly have already given me a lecture. why do you care so much?"

richie swallows harshly. "because i care about you." he furrows his eyebrows. "i think. no-" richie slapped his forehead. "let me reword that. i think i care about you. i just don't know what it feels like because i've never experienced this amount of care for someone."

eddie's breath got caught in his throat. "well, why do you say that i don't deserve any of this? and why do you deserve whatever your mom does to you?"

richie sat down beside eddie. "you couldn't hurt a fly, eddie. and honestly, i think that if you heard a buzzing of any kind around your head, you'd start screaming in terror. you don't deserve to have your every move controlled. now, i see why you're so hesitant about everything. i see why you got so wasted at the party. it was the only way you could just," richie was trying to think of the word.

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