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august 28th, 1993

richie felt movement in his arms as he began to wake up. eddie was staring up at him, his eyes no longer red or droopy. they were the eddie eyes that richie knew more than well.

"mornin' darlin'," richie said in a southern accent before kissing eddie, both of them laughing into it.

eddie pulled back after a sweet moment, pecking richie's lips a couple more times before yawning. "good morning, asshat."

"i'll take it." richie said, still not fully awake. his voice was raspier and had a deeper tone than usual. this normally happened when he got a good, deep sleep.

eddie found his voice quite attractive like this. it contrasted richie's nasally voice that he usually spoke in. though nasally, richie's voice was still pretty deep despite how scrawny richie looks at times. eddie found richie's voice comforting in every way possible. it was richie.

the door knob started to turn, richie jumping up quickly.

it was all in slow motion for eddie; from richie fooling around with the window, struggling to open it, to sonia storming over to the panicked boy that was just holding eddie a minute before.

eddie watched sonia grab richie, slinging him across the room. both eddie and sonia were yelling. eddie was screaming for her to stop while sonia was screaming at richie to leave.

sonia slammed richie against eddie's dresser, causing richie to knock over everything that was on top of it.

that was the last straw.

eddie jumped up and onto his mother's back. he wrapped his limbs around his large mother, shouting at richie to run. richie took off downstairs and out of the house as sonia unlatched eddie from her back, causing eddie to fall to the floor.

"we're getting window locks." sonia grumbled, readjusting the clip in her hair. she was huffing due to wrestling with richie.

"fuck you!" eddie screamed out at his mother as she made her way out of the room. she slammed the door in eddie's face, causing eddie to start beating on the door. "you're a fucking bitch! do you know that!? ripping away the only person who actually makes me feel wanted!" eddie sobbed out, kicking at the door before throwing himself against it.

eddie fell backwards and landed on his side. he just watched the love of his life get body slammed by his mother. he looked around at the scattered items that had fallen off the dresser. he stands up and starts to sit the items back onto their designated spots. he picks up his father's dog tag, sighing softly. he kisses it, holding it up to his lips as he bowed his head.

eddie wasn't a big fan of religion, but he liked to think that his dad watched over him like a guardian angel. it made him feel better to think that his father was with him as he faced his problems.

eddie puts on the dog tag before spotting the box richie had laid on his desk the night before. he wipes his wet eyes before smiling a bit at how terrible the wrapping job was. he sits down, opening the gift.

richie did know about his birthday. it made eddie feel good. like a gentle hug when your in need of comfort. it was nice.

a small note fell out as he unwrapped it. eddie read the first sentence on the note first.

open the box before reading.

eddie huffed, rolling his eyes. he opened the small box. his eyes widened immediately as he stared at the ring wedged between the small silk cushions. it had three small diamonds imbedded within the silver band.

eddie scrambled to read the letter, eyes grazing over the lined paper.

to eddie; my love,
this is not a proposal, so please don't freak out. this is a promise ring. this is to promise me that through thick and thin, no matter how far apart we are, you will always be mine to hold close to my heart. you make me feel happier than anyone ever has. you show me true love because you are my true love. i'm sorry that our situation isn't any better than romeo and juliet's, but so you know, i really try. i try to give you my all, and i think it's working because you just make it that easy. you make this whole thing easy. you are the person who has hung the stars in my sky for the past week. we will be together soon enough, baby. soon enough. i'm sorry if you can't read this because of my horrible handwriting.
p.s. i used all of my savings on this. i hope you like it even though i hate putting my thoughts into words.
richie tozier

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