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eddie sat in his boring english class, scribbling down organized notes as his teacher talked impeccably slow. he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear before seeing something fly into his peripheral view. he looks over to see a balled up piece of paper beside his desk, looking around the class after.

the raven hair boy was staring directly at eddie. he was sitting in the back while eddie was sitting front and center.

eddie points to the paper, still looking at the guy.

"pick it up, idiot!" the guy mouthed, adjusting his huge glasses back onto the top of the somewhat crooked bridge of his nose.

eddie raises his hands up in defense before picking the note up.

"meet me at my locker after lunch. b24." eddie read the note to himself about five times before looking back at the boy who was already slouched over on his desk, asleep.

eddie turned back to his english notes, a small smile creeping onto his face as his cheeks turned pinker than they usually are. he sticks the guys note back into the pocket of his bomber jacket.

once the class ends, eddie packs up his things quickly, running out of the door. he runs into the lunch room and grabs a prepackaged salad from the kitchen. he walks up to the cashier, telling her that he'll pay her tomorrow. she nods and allows eddie to do so.

eddie practically runs to the back, left corner of the lunch room. he slides into the booth, quickly laying his bag down beside him.

this scrambling motion eddie had in his actions alerted stanley uris who slowly peers up from his book that had a cardinal on the front page. he was sitting across from eddie. "yes?"

eddie digs the crumbled note out of his pocket, handing the note to stanley with a shaky hand. "this boy g-gave me this today."

stanley scans over the note, sitting his book down. "richie. richie tozier did." he crosses his arms. "i can tell because of his writing. he's writes on my shit all the time."

eddie lowers his voice, his eyes widening as he glanced around before looking back at stan. "you know him?"

"of course i do. he's a..." stanley thinks for a moment, tapping his finger. "acquaintance. though, he's had his moments where i wanna strangle him." he hands the letter back to eddie

eddie stays quiet, nodding.

"you didn't say yes, did you?" stanley questions, looking at eddie.

"i- uh.." eddie gulps. "no- well-" his eyes beginning to jet back and forth.

"you said yes, didn't y-"

"i said yes." eddie grinned a crooked smile with a small, awkward laugh. "well...i plan to."

"kaspbrak!" stanley gritted through his teeth, flicking eddie's forehead. "he's gonna break your heart." he sighs. "richie is like the biggest man whore in school. not to mention, he's known for doing all sorts of bad things. i don't think it's a good idea."

eddie slowly begin to frown as he listened to stanley. why should stanley care what he does? he fiddles with his fingers. "well, you do always tell me to be more adventurous."

"i never told you to get with richie. it's different." stanley snapped and picks his book back up, starting to read again.

"how is it different?" eddie began to argue, talking louder. he mocked stan, throwing up air quotes, "you told me to broaden my horizons-"

"i didn't tell you to fuck around with the biggest asshole in derry!" stanley accidentally yelled, slamming his book down. he glared at eddie before watching eddie's face soften. stan's did too once he saw eddie tear up, his heart sinking into his stomach. "eddie, wait-"

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