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eddie woke up due to small thuds on his window. he sat up quickly, staring at the window to see if he heard right.

eddie saw small pieces of gravel hit his window before getting up. he slid the lock over, opening it and hanging his head out.

"it's five thirty, and i've tried calling you fifteen times!" stanley yelled from the ground with a worried expression on his face. bill was standing beside him, holding an umbrella over both of them.

eddie glances at the clock before his eyes widened. "fuck!" the boys heard eddie yell. eddie peeks his head back out of the window. "i'll be down in a minute!"

eddie was sure that the alcohol was the reason why he slept for five hours straight. he ran into the bathroom, starting a shower since he smelt strongly of booze and richie. he threw the shirt off to the side, stripping himself of clothes. he stepped into the shower and quickly rushed as he washed. he couldn't have any shower thoughts, not today.

he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his small body. he yanked out a pastel coral sweater and some khakis from his closet. he puts some underwear on before slipping on the outfit. he walked into the bathroom, brushing his straight, white teeth and tongue.

eddie couldn't help to think about the small gap between richie's front two teeth. his teeth were stained an off white, and they were a bit crooked on the bottom. it wouldn't be richie if they weren't. eddie shrugged the thought off as he spit the tooth paste out, rinsing his mouth off with water.

he looked at his still damp hair. he wasn't going to have time to fix or style it. eddie usually put a very small amount of hair gel into his hair to style it in the mornings. it was usually pushed to one side with no frizz, just small waves at the ends. however, when it was towel dried or air dried, the waves fluffed to life. his hair was frizzy with soft waves gently falling over his the top of ears.

it wasn't anywhere near as long as richie's dark head of curls. richie's curls were always wild and fell right above his shoulders and into his face. they bounced whenever richie would walk.

eddie put on some deodorant and had to forget about his lotion. he slipped on some new socks since the other ones had blood at the top of them. eddie slid on the converse before walking out.

he paused though, feeling as if he forgot something since the hair on the back of his neck stood up. eddie backed into his bedroom again, looking at his bathroom.

the t-shirt.

eddie grabbed richie's shirt, taking one last smell. it still smelled like cigarettes and expensive men's cologne. he knew that he would get in huge trouble if his mother found a black concert t-shirt, not to mention how it smelled like smoke and was way too big for eddie. she would know that it wasn't his.

and worst of all, it was richie tozier's.

eddie balled the shirt up, hiding it at the top of his closet in an old shoe box behind some of his father's clothing.

eddie shut the closet's sliding panel doors before walking downstairs and out of the house to meet stan and bill in bill's car. eddie got into the backseat, shielding himself from the rain. he put on his seatbelt.

he looked up to see that stanley was actually smiling and not mad at him. eddie took it that stanley hadn't heard of his mishap last night.


once they got to the skating rink, their voices were strained from singing to queen songs (bill's favorite). eddie got out first, shaking out his hair that laid so perfectly over his forehead and ears.

the three walked in and was immediately called over by beverly who was putting on her skates. eddie sat down at the circular table, putting on his skates that were size seven and a half in men's. stanley and bill walked away to go get their own because no one knew their sizes.

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