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at the end of the day, eddie met bill and stanley at bill's car. eddie hasn't seen richie since lunch, but he knew that they had to ignore each other for the rest of the day due to what had happened at lunch. eddie didn't want to cause richie too much trouble with daniella.

eddie got into bill's car, buckling his seatbelt. "so, how was the rest of you two's day?" he looked at the two as bill started the car.

"guh-good," bill mumbled as stanley nodded in agreement. "wuh-we're planning on going t-to the mall wi-with bev and b-ben in a bit, and th-then go back to bev's t-to watch moo-movies. wuh-would you like to go?"

"oh, uhm," eddie thought to himself before shaking his head. "nah, you guys have fun. just drop me off at richie's and pick me up when you get back."

"how much fun did you have last night? you wanna go back for a specific reason?" stanley teases at eddie.

eddie blushed, slapping his shoulder. "no, idiot. all we did last night is play uno until our hands started to hurt, and then we played dig dug on his atari. i fell asleep while doing so. anymore questions?" eddie remarked, telling the actual truth.

stanley watched eddie tell his story, believing it. eddie never lied to him.  "okay, okay. i believe you." he laughed a bit as eddie pouted and crossed his arms.

bill stopped in front of richie's house when they got to eddie's destination, unlocking the doors. eddie stepped out and waved goodbye to them before running up to the door. richie's truck was already back in the driveway, despite it being broken the night before, so he knocked.

richie opened the door with giant hickeys on his neck. eddie looked at his feet when he saw them. the jealousy burned every part of his body. it pumped through his bloodstream, his heart being the heavy carrier. eddie felt so small compared to richie and compared to the world at the moment, when only last night, he felt like he was on top of the world.

"yes?" richie said as he saw eddie look down. he leaned on the doorway, staring at the smaller boy. "want to come in?"

eddie looked at richie with tears in his eyes. "you're a fucking asshole." he said as hot tears ran down his face.

"oh, poor baby." richie wiped eddie's face, a pitying smile on his face.

eddie couldn't take it anymore. he was more than jealous. he was more than angry. he was livid. he slapped richie once across the face, causing richie to hold up his hands in defense. before richie could say anything else, eddie punched at richie out of anger, hitting richie's mouth and nose with his tiny but mighty fist. richie began backing into the house but eddie only followed, still hitting and punching at richie's face and torso.

richie tried grabbing at eddie's hands, getting backed all the way into the kitchen before he could. richie restrained them as he pulled eddie to his chest. eddie's hands grasp around richie, sobbing into his chest as he gripped onto the back of richie's shirt. richie slid down the wall, sitting in a corner with eddie laying on his chest, between his legs.

richie felt his own eyes tear up as he heard eddie's sobs. it wasn't fun anymore. it wasn't a game, and it most definitely wasn't cool. it hurt richie to see eddie like he was, but he didn't know what to do anymore about the situation with daniella and eddie. he just wanted to say a big fuck you to everything and everyone except for eddie and just leave.

richie combed through eddie's brown hair, crying with eddie at this point as richie let out small whimpers himself. blood was dripping from his nose and busted lip, mixing with the spit in his mouth. "i-im sorry, eddie!" he yelled out in a sob, his voice cracking due to how much he was crying.

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