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!(slight?)nsfw themes

august 31st, 1993

eddie's eyes fluttered open, immediately groaning shortly at the ache in the bottom of his spine. richie had warned him, but it was eddie's fault for being so eager the night before because he didn't want the pleasure to stop.

five times. eddie came a total of five times the night before and felt better than he ever has in the morning. well, not physically, but any ounce of anger or stress eddie had in him was gone. completely decimated. how richie did it? eddie will never know.

eddie felt the arms that were wrapped around him from behind tighten around his waist. he smiled widely, softly rubbing richie's arm that was covered in dark hair. their skin was sticking against each other, and even though eddie found stickiness uncomfortable, he found that being spoon by a naked richie, while eddie - himself - was also naked, wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. it wasn't bad at all.

however, when eddie tried moving, he felt adherent liquid make that uncomfortable stickiness, that eddie did hate, in a place eddie didn't expect it from. "ew, oh fuck!" eddie wiggled out of richie's arms, sitting up only to wince at the soreness from his ass.

"what's wrong?" richie rasped out, pushing his frizzy curls out of his face.

"the fucking condom broke richie." eddie squints his eyes shut. "i have cum in my ass. fuck," he squeaked out frantically, before standing up. eddie felt himself falling forward due to the weakness in his legs.

richie caught eddie, though, and he picked eddie up. richie carries eddie over to the bathroom and began to run bathwater after plugging the drain. he held the smaller male as eddie began to pant, wheezing as he breathed. richie rushes back into the bedroom, sitting eddie down onto the bed. he rummages through the luggage and grabs his inhaler, shaking it as he turns back to eddie. richie sits beside him and puts the opening between eddie's lips. as richie presses down on the button, eddie inhales and motions for richie to do it again in a panic. richie repeats the action before hugging eddie tightly. he kisses eddies head as eddie sniffles into his shoulder.

richie wasn't sure why eddie was upset, but he felt guilty. more than guilt: richie felt remorse. he was scared about this. scared about taking things too far, too quick, and now richie believes he's done just that. richie just shuts his eyes, inhaling deeply before picking eddie up again.

he takes eddie into the bathroom again and sits him down in the bath after grabbing some underwear for himself. richie slides his underwear on before grabbing a rag. he soaks it into the water before squeezing it over eddie's shoulders.

eddie was a just staring at the faucet in front of him, nervousness shown by the frown on eddie's face and worry in eddie's eyes.

"why are you upset, my love?"

eddie looks over at richie. "my worse fucking fear is germs, you know. sexual transmitted diseases are literally just that with the exchange of bodily fluids. with this whole aids thing, i'm freak out just by scraping myself on a pencil by accident. and especially with it hitting the gay community-"

"eddie." richie cuts eddie off as he turns eddie's face towards him with sud covered fingers. "i'm clean. i don't have anything like that-"

"but how do you-"

"because i get tested after i have sex with daniella." richie sighed out, meeting eddie's eyes. "i don't trust her, and i never have. she acts like she's loyal, but i know that she's been fucked by everyone on the football team besides ben. she kept me around her finger like a toy, eddie." richie breaks his gaze to blink tears away. he leans eddie forward to wash his back. "i'm clean as of august 20th. i haven't had sex since until just last night, with you. we can't help it if the condom breaks, and we don't notice." eddie could hear the flatness, almost agitation, in richie's voice as he spoke.

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