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eddie grabbed his cup after richie paid and went over to the fountain. he filled his cup with ice first before putting it under the pink lemonade slot. he pressed the button before watching richie fill his with big red.

"of course you drink big red." eddie laughed shortly, leading richie over to a booth.

richie cocked an eyebrow as he sat across from eddie. "what is that supposed to mean?"

eddie stabbed the straw into his lemonde, some spewing out of the top. "it's, like, the sweetest carbonated drink ever. it's nasty. it taste like medicine."

richie laughed, rolling his eyes. "so judgmental." he watched eddie take a drink. "and what's your excuse for pink lemonade? it isn't any better. it gives you acid reflux like no other."

"actually, it doesn't give me reflux, so not that's my problem." eddie grinned as he sat the cup back down on the table. "so, richie," eddie exhaled, "what happened to your truck exactly?" he had been wondering the answer to this question but hasn't asked it considering the two were busy yelling out classics.

richie sighed heavily. "daniella is what happened. i actually told her that i was running away with you over the phone last night when i got home. she was yelling and screaming, of course. apparently, while i was sleeping, she came over to my house and put sugar in my tank." he watched eddie start playing with his hand that was laid on the table. "and that basically means that my truck will never run again, but i wasn't going to let that ruin my dream."

eddie smiles at richie's last statement before it slowly fades, "i'm sorry about that, rich." as he continued to play with richie's fingers, he spoke up again, "i would have wanted to take my car anyways."

the cashier approached their table with the food, sitting the red tray down.

as the boys took their food off the tray, richie speaks again, "speaking of your stuff, where the fuck did that money come from?"

eddie laughed a bit. "my father left it for me when he passed. it was for emergencies, and i'd say this is one." he said as he crammed a fry into his mouth.

"oh shit, mr. k was loaded." richie joked before taking a bite out of his burger.

there was a long silence as both of the teens ate, feeling absolutely ravished after such an emotional evening.

they were finished within ten minutes, both of them finishing everything they ordered (a burger and large fries). eddie placed his hands over his stomach, sitting back in defeat. "i'm stuffed."

richie grinned, even laughing at his own joke a bit before he said it. richie paused to catch himself as he moved his straw closer to his mouth. "that's what your mo-"

"not right now, rich." eddie shook his head with a small snicker.

"right," richie sighed out with a soft smile still on his face, "sorry."

"don't worry about it." eddie sat up again, leaning up against the table a bit. "hey, rich?"

"yes, eds?"

"how old are you? like are you seventeen or eighteen?" eddie asked out of curiosity.

"i'm eighteen. i started school late." richie admits. "it was actually my dad's choice. he wanted to get my hyperactive-ness thing under control before i went to school. i turn nineteen in march."

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