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! homophobic slur warning

august 21st, 1993

eddie woke up in his own bed, his eyes meeting richie's closed eyes when he woke up. he jumped a bit, gasping from suprise since he didn't expect to see richie still beside him. last night flooded back to him.

as the six friends exited the skating rink to their table, they saw daniella run out of the building with her fists clenched, stomping as her feet hit the ground. eddie sits down in order to take off his skates. he gets a whiff of cigarettes as his hair catches a breeze. he looks up to find richie again, but this time, he was quiet with his jaw clenched.

"what's wrong with you?" eddie asked, richie looking down at him.

"don't worry your pretty mind about me." richie smiles slightly, sighing a bit after.

eddie just looked back down at his skates as he blushed, pulling them off. he puts on his converses before standing back up. "we should totally do this again."

"without dani. i agree." richie added as he sat where eddie was previously sitting.

everyone just glanced at him, noticing that richie wasn't going to make some kind of snide remark to them about looking at him with lopsided confusion on each of their faces.

richie was hurt, and it was obvious.

eddie watched richie unlace his skates and noticed that his hands were shaking quite a bit.

stanley and bill asked eddie if he was riding back with them or richie, and eddie chose richie. he wanted to make sure that richie was okay.

beverly and ben left with mike, leaving eddie and richie alone as they ate the rest of the food that sat on the table.

eddie knew that the other two left with mike on purpose to leave richie and eddie alone. eddie didn't mind it.

eddie waited until richie swallowed his last bite of nachos. "so, do you want to come back to my place and play on my gameboys? i have a spare."

richie looked at eddie, a smile creeping onto his face. "of course i would. sounds like a great time, eddie spaghetti."

eddie cringed at the nickname. "call me that again, and you're never invited over."

"then we'll stick to eds."

"better than whatever that was."

the boys arrived at eddie's house around nine that night. eddie told richie to park his truck at stanley's house because it was about five houses down from eddie's, the reason being is his mother coming back from her business trip in the morning.

he explained how his mother despised the last name tozier, and how she was already suspicious about the black truck that had dropped him off that week.

"so your mom doesn't dig tozier's, huh?" richie asked as he opened the screen door for eddie.

eddie unlocked the actual front door, "no, she doesn't. at all." he walks in, making his way upstairs.

"that's not what she said last night." richie jokes, laughing at himself as he followed eddie.

eddie stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening. he slowly turned to look at richie, closing his eyes. "you did not just make a joke about my-"

"yep." richie grinned. "and get used to them if we're going to be hanging out more, sweetheart."

eddie opened his eyes at the nickname. "so not funny." he said as he tried not to smile. what could he say; richie's grin was still just as contagious. "fuck you." eddie laughed out as richie just laughed more.

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