Chapter 1

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it was a dark cold night, a young couple is preparing for the hardest moment in their life. sending their little girl out into the world on her own. even though its difficult for them, they know that this is the best, and safest thing to do.

you see, this young couple wasn't just any ordinary couple, no no, for they both were part of the wizarding world. they weren't just any wizards either, they were both famously powerful, and they're highly skilled in their own ways. the man was best at flying and defense against dark magic, meanwhile the young woman was very talented in caring for magical creatures and she was also top of her class for potions, herbology, and divination.

she had foreseen the future of her daughter, and it was very dark. the only way to save her is to send her off on her own, to the muggle world. where the ministry will never find her.

P.O.V ???

i sighed while i watched my baby girl sleep soundly in her bed. soon she will be awoken by my husband and we will be sending her away. i know one day i will see her again, but it wont be for a long time. i refuse to let the ministry touch her. i crossed my arms over my chest and held myself while i walked over to the window and stared at the sky. it was nearly midnight, and the moon is full, making everything look bright and beautiful, even though its a very sad time.

i turned around when i heard the door open. "Iduna? Honey, are you ready?" i looked up at my husband, as soon as he saw the tears in my eyes he rushed over and pulled me close to him. "its going to be alright. we're going to figure this out, and its going to be okay. dont worry, she is brave and powerful. she will make it, and we will see her again soon. i promise, my love."

i fell apart at that moment, a river of tears started streaming down my face. he tilted my chin up so i was facing him, he then gently wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead. "i dont want anymore tears falling from your beautiful blue eyes, Iduna. i know you're upset, but lets not show that emotion in front of her." i nodded my head slowly and leaned into him. i felt him gently rubbing my back, and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. once i calmed down, i stood up straight and quickly wiped the rest of my tears away.

i took a few deep breaths and nodded at him. "okay, Adgar. im ready to do this, for her sake. but we must hurry, its nearly midnight. we need her out of here by then, the Aurors will be here at dawn break to take her." he nodded in response and let go of me. i watched as he went and sat on our daughters bed. he started slowly stroking her head and spoke gently. "hey sweetheart, i know its late but, its time to get up. okay? we need to get you ready to go." she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes as she nodded. i walked over and gently picked her up out of bed, slowly making my way towards the closet. i gently put her down so i could open the doors, and grab her stuff.

i pulled out a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black converse. i carefully helped her change clothes, then i walked her over to the vanity. she sat down, and stared at me through the mirror with a look i couldn't describe. then i felt it. "stop trying to pry into my thoughts, its very rude to go through someones mind without permission." she quickly looked down at her hands, and i felt the intrusion go away. "im sorry Mama. i wont do it again." i smiled at her and nodded when she looked back up at me again. i watched as a small smile appeared on her face.

i quickly started to brush out her long platinum blonde hair, and then proceeded to put it into a french braid. slowly i twisted it up into a coronation bun and clipped it into place. she suddenly stood up and hugged me, catching me slightly off guard. i smiled and kneeled down, wrapping my arms around her small frame. i never wanted to let go of her, but i don't have a choice. i leaned back and looked into her crystal blue eyes, i was shocked to see tears falling down her cheeks. i gently wiped away her tears and pulled her close to me again.

"its going to be okay. we've been through everything, right? you have a wand, you know the same spells your father and i know, and even more than that. you know the most advanced potions, how to get help from magical creatures, and you have also mastered being an animagus. even though you might be scared, its okay. you will do amazing, and you will go so far in life." i leaned back and held her shoulders making her look at me. "especially since you can become any animal you want to, and you are so smart that you can be whatever you want to be. whether its in the muggle world, or ours. but for now, you will be staying in the muggle world. at least until you are 18, or if we come get you. okay? promise me you will be safe."

she jumped on me and hugged me tight as she whispered in my ear. "i promise." i nodded my head, when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around both of us. i smiled up at him as he kissed the top of her head. he spoke quietly. "you will be fine Elsa. you are brave, you are smart, and you are caring. you will find a way through this, i know you will. we love you, Elsa." i saw tears start to form in his eyes as we said our farewells. i looked towards the moon, enjoying the moment. when all of a sudden i heard a crack. i quickly ran over to the window and gasped.

'no, no! they're early, they aren't supposed to be here for a few more hours. fuck! why does this have to happen?? unless, they know... they knew i would see what was coming!' i spun around and ran to Elsas closet. i quickly grabbed her bag and shrunk it down so it would fit in her pocket. i grabbed her hand and quickly rushed over to the floo system. i held her hands tightly as i turned to face her.

"its okay Elsa. remember what we practiced, say it loud and clear, then throw down the powder. i wish i could give you more advice, but i cant, not now atleast. i will speak with you soon, when its safe." she nodded quickly as i gave her a quick hug and and put the bag in her pocket. then Adgar stepped forward. "remember, always check for magic. if there is none, then you're safe. you are protected, so the ministry will not be able to hear you, see you, or find you until you are 18. we love you, be safe." he kissed her forehead and we both stepped back from her. she looked from her hand to us, and when we nodded, she spoke quickly, then vanished into a green flame. i spun around with my wand in my hand. quickly i used the illusion charms and made everything of hers vanish, my magic is undetectable so they will never know. i changed into a black dress with a dark veil covering my face, while Adgar changed into a black suit. it was time.

all of a sudden a knock came from the door. i walked over and opened the door slightly, peeking out at whoever was there. i saw that it was the minister, and he seemed to be alone. i quickly sniffled and let a small sob as i started to speak. "c-can i help y-you?" he looked stunned as he stared at me, before coughing slightly and returning to his original posture. "why yes, we are here to see Elsa Arens. if you wouldn't mind getting her for us?" i nodded as i let out another sob turning around and walking away from the door quickly. Adgar handed me an urn that was filled with animal ashes and some of Elsas hair that we had cut. i walked back over to the door, and held the urn out for him. "h-here you g-go.. *sniffle* minister..." he looked at me in shock, he froze for a second before he relaxed and looked at me with a sad expression on his face. "i am so sorry, Iduna. i wasn't expecting to see that she had passed away. Adgar, im so sorry about your little girl. please, have a good rest of your night, we wont bother you anymore. i understand you need time to mourn."

i nodded and gently shut the door. i peeked through the window, watching as he walked away till he was out of the magical barrier, and then he apperated off to who knows where. i smiled and quickly turned to jump on Adgar, tears of joy falling from my eyes as i thought about the bright future our daughter had. he spun me around as he laughed. "im so happy it worked, i cant believe he fell for it. but i guess we really are geniuses." i smiled as i spoke, then i quickly kissed my husband. still in utter shock about everything that has happened tonight, but i know for a fact, that the next while is going to be very difficult.


hello! author here, i hope you enjoyed! please leave comments, give your thoughts on this chapter and let me know of any ideas!

im open to criticism, and new ideas, or just simple thoughts. since its my first jelsa, i dont expect this story getting many views, but never know.

i will say, it took awhile to fully come up with this, and it might be awhile before i finish the next chapter. i am in school, and working alot, so i will update when i can, and ill answer some questions too!

have a good night/morning/afternoon.
peace ✌️

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