Chapter 11

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Jacks P.O.V

i sat there in shock. my best friend, who has lived with me for over a month has just put me in shock. so many things happened, so quickly. first, people blew the doors off the hinges, then we some how got transported to a bridge near the park, then Elsa tells us shes a witch, she says shell fix the house and place protection spells, and now she tells me she has to leave.

"no!" she looked up at me in shock that i had raised my voice. even my parents looked surprised. "i refuse, youre not going anywhere." she opened her mouth to say more but i cut her off. "not without me!" she stared at me with her mouth open. she shut her mouth, and shook her head. "wait, Jack, are you saying you want to go with me?" i nodded my head as i smiled at her. "of course i want to go with you Elsa, remember i have a duty to protect you." i winked at her as i smiled. her cheeks went pink and she quickly looked away, just as my parents spoke up. "okay, if Elsa wants to leave we cant force her to stay with us. Jack, if you really want to go, then i guess were getting you both a phone so you can contact us. you both better tell Hiccup and Merida that youre going to be leaving." i stared at them in shock, theyre okay with us just leaving?!

i nodded my head and stood up. i held my hand out to Elsa. "are you ready?" she looked at me, then at my hand, and back at my face. "do you trust me, Elsa?" she smiled and nodded as she took my hand, i pulled her up and hugged her. "well, i guess we should talk to Hiccup and Merida right away. they live really close, so lets run there quick. we can go back home later." Elsa nodded, but my parents stopped us. "what about our bags?" Elsa turned around, grabbed something out of her sock, said some weird word, and all of our bags shrunk! "woah! howd you do that?" she smiled and slipped her backpack into her pocket, me and my parents copied her. "its magic, Jack." she smiled at me and took my hand, leading the way to Hiccups.


we arrived at Hiccups house, and Merida was already outside waiting for us with Hiccup. Merida ran down and jumped on Elsa, tackling her to the ground. Merida was younger then us, she just turned 9 this year. due to her height, she hit Elsa right in the chest. Merida yelled at Elsa when we finally got them both on their feet again. "Elsa! you shouldve called me right away, not tell me afterwards!" i looked at her confused, and i noticed that Hiccup had the same look as i did. Elsa sighed. "i know Merida, but when youre in the middle of a situation like that, you dont have time to just send a message that easy!" i stood there quietly watching with Hiccup and my parents. Merida looked at her feet. "im sorry Elsa, i got really scared that one of you was hurt." Elsa pulled her in for a hug and shushed her. "calm down, you know wed be perfectly fine."

Hiccup tapped my shoulder. "can someone please tell me whats happening?" Elsa came over with Merida and nodded her head. "i can do better than tell you, i will show you what happened. just dont freak out, okay?" he nodded in agreement, and she placed her hands on his cheeks as she stared into his eyes. i saw her eyes turn into a dark blue colour, but it quickly went away. as soon as she let go of him, he opened his mouth to yell, but she quickly covered his mouth. "no, we had a deal, dont freak out." he nodded his head, she let go, and then he started yelling and freaking out. i put him in a headlock and covered his mouth till he calmed down enough i could let go. once he got his composure back, he pointed back and forth between Elsa and Merida. "are you both witches?" they glanced at each other. then Elsa spoke up. "im not sure how to explain, i mean yes we are, but theres a very big difference between us. i cant explain more then that for now." he just nodded in response and sat on the ground.

my parents cleared their throats, and then i remembered what we were doing. "oh yea, me and Elsa are leaving. we dont know when well be back, but we came to say goodbye." Hiccup jumped up, then both him and Merida stared at us in shock. Merida spoke first. "youre leaving? without us? i dont think so, im gonna go pack our bags." Elsa laughed and stopped her. "let me help you, but only one bag each. okay? we cant carry too many things right now." Merida nodded and they went inside. i looked at Hiccup and he was looking between me and the girls. he waved his hands around and shook his head. "wait, wait, wait. you and Elsa are leaving, now me and Merida are joining you. we are eleven! and Merida is nine! how is this a good idea, Jack?" i just shrugged and went after the girls while my parents went and talked to Hiccups parents. he came running after me, and we found the girls with both bags ready to go.

Hiccup shrugged, grabbed his bag, and followed us downstairs. our parents were in the living room waiting for us. my dad stood up first and handed both me and Elsa a present, then Hiccup and Merida got one from Hiccups dad. we all opened them, to find brand new phones. we each had our own personalized case too. Hiccups had a black dragon, Meridas had a bear, Elsas had snowflakes, and mine had the moon. we all opened our phones, found that the contacts were already set up for us, we just added our own passcodes, and changed the lock screen photo. Elsa and i hugged my parents, while Hiccup and Merida hugged his. Elsa spoke for all of us. "thank you for the gifts, we will keep in touch when we can. i promise, we just wont be on them constantly. if thats okay?" they nodded and we said our farewells.

we walked out the door, and my parents said we didnt need to go back home. instead, Elsa put protection spells on them and Hiccups parents. we all waved to them, and started to walk away down the street. Elsa grabbed my hand, and i smiled when i saw Merida do the same with Hiccup. out of nowhere, i was pulled to the side into a bush. i looked around to see that Elsa and Merida were holding me and Hiccup down as they watched something. Merida whispered. "Elsa, you better go get a closer look. youre the only one who can." Elsa sighed and nodded. I grabbed her hand to stop her, but she shook her head, and made me let go. then she suddenly shrunk and was replaced by a small white fox. i stared at her amazed, i went to pet her but she quickly ran off. i spun around and watched what she was doing, then i saw it.

i gasped, only to be hit on the head by Merida. "be quiet, Jack! youll get us caught." i nodded and kept my mouth shut as i watched the scene in front of me. it was Gothel, talking to some guys who were wearing long purple cloaks. all of a sudden, i remembered my dream that i had awhile ago. 'the guys in cloaks who chased me! oh no, Elsas in trouble!'  i started to get up, but Hiccup and Merida stopped me. "guys, Elsa is in trouble. those are guys are evil." i whispered to them, but they just looked at me like i was stupid. "we know, Jack. theyve been hanging around the orphanage, theyre trying to find kids with magical abilities like me and Elsa. they havent found me or Elsa because we have protection spells on us. they are the ones who attacked you guys, they found you because of Gothel." i went to say something, but she cut me off. "and no, they dont know who Elsa is. they have no idea that its her living with you. they only know its a kid who has magic, and thats because Hiccup was able to modify Elsas file."

i looked at Hiccup impressed. hes a genius, even for our age. i got startled when all of a sudden, something jumped on top of me. someone grabbed me and started dragging me away, i looked back to see Hiccup and Merida following. i turned to see who grabbed me, and it was Elsa, but she didnt look okay. we soon stopped in a secluded area, and Elsa collapsed. "Elsa!" i quickly caught her and fell to the ground with her in my arms, i looked at Merida and Hiccup. "Merida, is there anything you can do?" she thought for a moment and then nodded. i laid Elsa down and watched as Merida said strange words and weird lights started to shine around her. soon she stopped, but Elsa didnt get up. she turned to me and Hiccup. "shell be okay, she just needs sleep. the guys had left, but Gothel spotted Elsa, and she kicked her. thats why she looks so bad, she took more damage because she was a small animal. shell be fine Jack."

i nodded my head, and we all settled down for the night. I curled up next to Elsa, while Merida went on the other side of Elsa with Hiccup next to her. after awhile, they both fell asleep and i just stared up at the sky. i jumped when all of a sudden arms went around my waist, i turned and watched as Elsa snuggled into me. i smiled and hugged her back as i fell asleep.


hey! heres chapter 11, i realize that what i say after every chapter is generally the same thing. i dont know why, but it is.

anyways, hope yall enjoyed

have a good night/evening/day/morning


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