Chapter 21

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3 years later..

Meridas P.O.V

'Its been almost 4 years.. since we began this journey. Its been 3 years since we said goodbye.. Time has just flown by.'

Hiccup and I have been living at Gus's house hiding out. We still go out once in a while and advertise adoption or fostering children from Snows, or even volunteering there. Ive also been practicing my magic, Ive managed to master multiple potions and spells. Ive also built up my strength, not just my magical power, but also my bodies strength. Hiccup on the other hand, has had a big change. He grew almost a foot taller, hes put on a lot of muscle, and hes been studying alot just to keep up with his education, but now instead of being middle school level, hes at a college academic level. Its crazy how smart he is. Hes only 14, but hes so smart.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hiccup. "Yeah?" He rolled his eyes. "Did you hear anything I just said." I felt my cheeks get hot as I shook my head. "So no? Mer, come on. It's important." I nodded. "Okay, okay. Im listening now." He gave me a weird look then shook his head. "Okay, Ive got good news. Something thats going to change everything." I perked up a bit and gave him a look. "No not that, something else. We are moving!" My eyes went wide. "Wait, moving? As in we wont be hiding here anymore?" He nodded. "Exactly, so lets go pack our things, and get ready to go." I shrugged and followed his lead.


After about 2 hours we had all our stuff packed, and shrunken down, then placed in my bag. "Okay, what next?" He sighed. "We say goodbye sadly." I nodded and put my head down as we walked outside to join Gus. He took one look at us and his expression changed as his eyes started watering. "Its time isnt it?" We both nodded. He sighed and stood up. "I guess we all knew this day was coming, I wish you could stay, I really do. But i know you cant. One day, come back and see me?" We nodded as we ran over and hugged him tightly. "Its okay you two, Ill be okay. Worry about yourselves, and eachother. Its important you stay strong, and stick together. No matter what." We both nodded. We pulled away and looked at him, I spoke first. "We love you Gus, youve done so much for us. From the first time you took us in, to now. We will miss you, so much. But we will come back and see you again." He nodded and started crying, as Hiccup and I did too. "I love you both as well. Be safe out there you two." We nodded and spoke together. "We will, Gus."

Before we left, I handed Gus a book. He seemed confused, but then he opened it and his eyes widened as more tears started to fall. "I know that some photos are fairly old, but I thought this was the best gift we could give you right now." He smiled. "Thank you, my dear. Thank you, both of you. Ill miss you two, but youll always have a special place in my heart, and I will keep this album close by at all times." We waved as we finished our goodbyes, then Hiccup and I started making our way. After we were out of sight I stopped and started crying. Hiccup turned and grabbed my hand pulling me close to him. "Itll be okay Mer, we will see him again. But for now, we have to keep moving." I nodded, and let go of him. We kept walking, but I eventually grabbed his hand and wouldn't let go of it. He rubbed my hand with his thumb as we walked, slowly calming me down.


I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was getting low. We walked all day, and I dont even know where we are right now. "We should find somewhere to sleep Hic. I dont think I can keep walking all night." He nodded and started looking around. "Okay, I dont know where were gonna stay, but we should be able to find something hopefully." I nodded and we kept walking until we saw an old barn that appeared to be abandoned. "I dont sense magic, we should be able to stay there." He nodded and we carefully snuck through the small field to barn. We found a way in, and went inside. It was warm, and clearly wasnt used anymore. We quickly made up a place to sleep, and laid down. I sighed and felt Hiccups arms go around me, then i passed right out.


I jolted awake when I heard a loud bang, then I heard voices. I quickly shook Hiccup awake, and we grabbed our stuff then ducked behind some old hay bales. We peaked over and saw two people walking around, it was two young guys, probably around our ages. "Hey! Fynn!" The slimmer one turned around and faced the other bigger guy. "Yeah Kristoff?" I got a good look at these two as they talked. "I think someones been here, and recent too." The Fynn guy has dark brown short hair, and the Kristoff guy has shaggy blonde hair. "Hm I think youre right. And I think theyre still here." They turned and looked right where we were hiding. My eyes widened as they started walking towards us. Hiccup quickly threw me behind him as they guys pushed over the hay bales. "Ah! What have we here? Two strangers living in our hideout?" Hiccup squared his shoulders and held his fists up. "Come on! Try me!" Kristoff put his hands up. "Woah, hold up. We arent fighting you." Hiccup relaxed slightly but still kept his fists up ready to defend himself and protect me if needed.

Fynn stepped forward. "Hold on, youre a witch arent you?" I froze as my eyes widened, Hiccup stepped over further to block me from them completely. "Hey, dont worry. Im a wizard, Im not going to hurt you two." We calmed down more and then i noticed the sense of magic i was feeling. This guys strong, but not as strong as i am, and his friend is human like Hiccup. They both put their hands up and gave in quickly. "Were sorry if we startled you, we werent expecting people to be here, this is where weve been hiding out." I nodded as I stepped forward. "Okay, as long as you guys wont cause us trouble, we wont cause you any." They both quickly agreed and then looked at eachother, before turning back to us. "Where are you guys going?" I glanced at Hiccup. "Just travelling all over the place right now." They nodded. "Could we come with you?" I was surprised at first, but eventually i nodded. "Okay, you can come with us." They fist bumped the air then quickly calmed down again.

We all decided to get some rest, so we sat and talked getting to know eachother till we all slowly fell asleep one by one. I was the last one still awake staring up at the roof. 'I guess we have new friends to join us on our journey now. I hope you two are safe, and that maybe you also have companions. I hope youre okay.'


Another chapter done!

hope yall enjoyed, figured its time to add some new characters in

anyway, have a good night/day


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