Chapter 8

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Jacks P.O.V

i was hiding with Hiccup and Merida listening to Gothel and Snow arguing, when a girl walked out of the office. she was dragging her backpack on the ground, and she looked so sad. i quickly stood up and walked over to her. "hey." i spoke gently so i wouldnt scare her, as i gently tapped her shoulder. she jumped in shock and spun around, i was caught off guard by her pretty eyes. "oh, umm. h-hello." i barely even heard her whisper. she quickly looked at the ground, and i could see her shaking a little bit. i put my hand on her shoulder. "hey, whats wrong?" she slowly looked up at me, but she didnt answer my question.

i smiled at her and stuck my hand out. "im Jackson, but you can call me Jack" her eyes widened as she looked between my face and my hand. i was about to drop my hand when she suddenly shook it. "i-im Elsa." i felt a huge grin spread across my face, when i saw her smile at me. "would you like to come play with me and my friends? maybe we can show you around the park or something?" she nodded her head, when all of a sudden i was pulled backwards. i turned to see Hiccup. "Jack! we need to go, Gothels coming!" my eyes widened in fear, i turned to Elsa. i ran to her, hugged her, then took off running behind Hiccup. just as i heard Gothel yell after us. "stop right there! you two are in big trouble boys!" we both froze and looked at eachother.

"uh oh." we spoke in unison. we slowly turned around to see Gothel with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot on the floor. she looked right mad at us, and then i saw why. Merida was hiding behind Snow, while an officer stood infront of Elsa. "boys! come here! now!" we slowly walked over to her with our heads hanging, and dragging our feet. Gothel grabbed our shoulders and started dragging us into the office, followed by Elsa, Merida, Snow, and the officer. we were forced to all sit down in pairs. Merida was with Hiccup, and Elsa with me. "im not impressed with you boys, you know youre not allowed in here without your parents." i just nodded my head as i stared at the floor. Snow spoke up. "i have an idea, how about we set up a job for both you boys. a very special job." i looked up at her in excitement, and i saw the same look on Hiccups face.

the officer stepped forward and asked us to stand up. i thought he would be harsh, but he ended up being really kind. "now, boys. my name is officer Tadashi. i am going to personally give you this special assignment. it is very important you do it right, got it?" we nodded so fast i thought my head would fall off, he laughed at our reactions. "i will have a colleague of mine escort you both home, and then i shall bring you your assignment personally. your parents have been informed, and have agreed to this. you better make me proud boys." once again we nodded our heads in agreement. then he handed us each a piece of paper, made us promise not to open it till he came to see us again, then we were sent out to meet the other officer.

as soon as we were outside we started jumping with joy. "Hiccup! i thought we were gonna be in sooo much trouble, but we got a special assignment! i wonder what it could be?" Hiccup nodded in response and i threw my arm over his shoulders. "i dont know Jack, but im sure its great. i look forward to finding out. i will call you as soon as i find out what im doing." i nodded in agreement and we hopped into the cop car. we joked around as the car drove, but soon we were at my house, and i had to leave. i went to say goodbye, but the officer told us both to get out. "what? i thought we were going to our own houses?" he shook his head, then answered. "no, youre both coming here, so that officer Tadashi can tell both of you at once. Hiccups parents are here too. we agreed it was easiest, then you couldnt ruin the surprise for each other." we both looked at each other as our mouths made 'o' shapes as we realized what he meant.

i shrugged, and we both ran inside and up to my room. we started to talk about what the special assignment was. "maybe we have to hunt down thieves? or stop criminals?" Hiccup gave me a thoughtful look. "no Jack, i dont think they would let eleven year olds help with that." he rolled his eyes as he laughed. i threw my pillow at him, we were about to start a full on pillow fight. when all of a sudden i heard my mom call our names. "Jack? Hiccup? can you two come down here please?" we looked at eachother, dropped the pillows and ran out of my room. i slid down the railing while he ran down the stairs. we charged into the living room, only to run into a wall. i fell back on my butt, while Hiccup tripped over me and face planted on the ground. i groaned as i rubbed my butt when i stood up. Hiccup stood and rubbed his forehead, i laughed at him as he tried to hit me again.

suddenly we were both pulled away from each other, i looked up to see my dad. when i looked at Hiccup, i realized the wall i ran into earlier was actually his dad, who was now holding Hiccup under his arm. i heard someone cough slightly. thats when i noticed officer Tadashi. i quickly stood straight and saluted, followed by Hiccup doing the same thing right next me. "alright, at ease soldiers." we put our hands down, and stood straight with our hands behind our backs. he laughed at us, but then continued talking. "now then, with the permission from each of your parents, you boys have been chosen for a very special assignment. you are the only two we have chosen, and i really hope you both do well. this isnt a competition, i expect you to work together at times, and also on your own. would you like to know what your assignment is?" we both nodded vigorously making him laugh again, along with our parents.

"okay boys. you have both been chosen, to be body guards. you are expected to take care of these people, and protect them from anything dangerous. if you need help at all, your parents have also been informed, and have agreed to help when needed. you are also able to contact me, and only me, at any point if you need to. the ones you are protecting, will be living with you, and they have a very special mission. your parents have the folders with everything you need to know. would you like to meet the ones you are protecting?"

we nodded again with huge smiles on our faces. he raised his eyebrow at us, so we spoke in unison. "yes sir!" he grinned, then gestured to Hiccup. "Hiccup Haddock. you will be first, i trust that you will protect them no matter what. no matter how difficult it gets, never give up. understand?" Hiccup nodded his head and stood proudly. officer Tadashi left the room, then returned a few moments later, with none other then Merida! my eyes widened in surprise, but i kept my posture and waited for my turn as Hiccup and Merida sat on the couch. officer Tadashi repeated what he told Hiccup, and i agreed. i just really hope its not someone that bullies me. just then, my jaw dropped in surprise when he walked back in with Elsa behind him.

she smiled and walked up to me, then she hugged me tightly. i hugged back and smiled at her. i took her hand and went to my parents to introduce them. "mom, dad, this is Elsa." i smiled widely at them as Elsa hid behind me, she waved slightly. "hello Elsa, i hope you enjoy staying here with us. just be warned, Jack can be pretty crazy sometimes." my dad started making funny faces at her, and caused her to giggle slightly. then officer Tadashi cleared his throat. we turned to him, Elsa still hanging onto my arm. "now then, the girls ages, and everything else is in their folders that your parents have. i must be going, but remember boys, protect these girls. never let them out of your sights, and girls, make sure to remember your mission. i will check in with you all soon." we said our goodbyes, and watched him drive away. then Hiccup, Merida, and Hiccups parents left as well. it was time for dinner now, so i led Elsa to the kitchen and we all ate quietly.

today has been so crazy. i wonder what the future brings, especially now that Merida and Elsa will be with me and Hiccup all the time now.


hey! theres chapter 8, hope yall enjoyed.

i tried to kind of keep a clear storyline and not make it too crazy. but it probably seems crazy.

have a good evening/day/night/morning

peace ✌️

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