Chapter 19

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3 months later...

Hiccups P.O.V

I have got to a point i'm constantly worried or stressed out. It's been 3 months since we last seen Jack and Elsa. Its currently the middle of winter, and it's really cold out. Ive been worried sick about them, and i know Gus is too. Weve been doing whatever we can to keep Merida busy so she doesn't think about it too much. I looked out the window watching the snow fall down and cover the streets. I was broken out of my trance by Gus tapping my shoulder. "Hey Hiccup, what would you like to do for Meridas birthday?" I sighed and turned to look up at Gus. "I don't know.. I know what she wants, but I cant give her that gift." He sighed and sat down beside me. "Don't worry son, I know they're both fine. I don't know how I know, but I do. Jacks smart, even if he doesn't seem like it." He paused and chuckled as he shook his head. "Dont get me started about Elsa, shes smart, quick witted, and shes very mature for her age. She will keep him in line and out of trouble. I know she will." I smiled a bit and nodded.

I turned when I heard laughing and saw Merida with some of the waitresses laughing. I smiled. "I think I have an idea for her birthday." I turned back to Gus and he smiled sitting down infront of me. I started explaining quietly what my idea was and saw him smile more and more as he nodded in agreement. After awhile he left to start getting supplies and I turned back to watch out the window as it started to snow. 'I hope you two are safe, and I wish you could be here with us.' I sighed and looked down at my hands. I froze when suddenly I heard my name, it sounded like a whisper. I looked around, but nobody was there. "Hiccup. I know you can hear me. Dont freak out, you arent going crazy. Its me, Elsa. No Im not there with you, Im speaking to you in your mind." My eyes went wide as I turned back to the window. 'Are you guys safe?' I heard a quiet laugh. "Yes, we are. I cant tell you exactly where we are, for your safety and Meridas. I wanted to let you know that we are okay, and Im sorry we wont be there for Meridas birthday. I will have a package delivered to you, dont open it. Its a birthday gift for Merida, and I dont want the surprise ruined. Please stay strong okay? And make sure shes distracted, no matter what. Otherwise she will try to search for us, or get into contact with me. We have kept our phones off the past few months, which is why we havent texted you guys. I only have a few more moments left, so dont even think about cutting me off right now.' I put my head down and nodded.

I glanced around me quickly, then watched back out the window. 'We wont be able to join you guys again for awhile, I dont think we will be joining you for Christmas. Its too dangerous right now, we cant risk it. Not only will we all be in danger, but also Gus and the workers there. We love you guys, we miss you all so much. I wont be able to contact again for a bit, but please dont come looking for us. Its too dangerous. We will speak soon, when its safer. Goodbye Hiccup, from me and Jack.' I jolted my head up shaking it. 'No! Elsa please! Dont go!' I sat there for few minutes, and nothing. No response, nothing at all. I sighed and quickly wiped my eyes and sighed calming myself down when I heard footsteps approaching. I turned and smiled at her, she had a big smile on her face and her red hair was in loose braid. "Hiccup! Do you want to go play in the snow?" I laughed and nodded my head. "Yeah! Lets go get ready and let Gus know. Maybe he'll want to join us?" She jumped around a few times nodding. "Yes! Ill go ask him!" She took off running towards his office as I laughed and shook my head. I glanced out the window one more time, then went to our room and got my jacket and everything on, then helped Merida with hers. She grabbed my hand and we ran outside with Gus tailing behind us laughing.

I laughed as we had a snowball fight. 'I don't want this to end, but one day it will. If only you guys could be here with us.'

Jacks P.O.V

I sat on a tree branch watching a bunch of other kids having snowball fights, building snowmen, and just having tons of fun in the snow. I sighed and leaned back against the tree. I miss Hiccup and Merida, but we didn't have a choice, we couldn't turn the phones on. I glanced up to look at Elsa, she was on a branch above me. Her eyes were closed and she had her eyebrows furrowed as she concentrated. She was currently contacting Hiccup through his mind to tell him we're okay, and not to let Merida out of his sight. After a few minutes her expression changed and she opened her eyes. I climbed up next to her, and hugged her as she started crying.

I gently rubbed her back. "I miss them Jack, and they miss us. I wish we could see them, but we can't risk it." I sighed and hugged her tighter. "I know Snowflake." She calmed down and looked up at me. "We have to keep moving.. Ever since we got chased by those guys, I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to track us." I nodded and let her go. I climbed down first, looked around making sure it was safe, then waved her down. I grabbed my bag, passed hers to her, and we started moving. Were currently hiding on different farms and in different abandoned buildings on the outskirts of London. We started walking and I startled a bit when she grabbed my hand. I squeezed it slightly so she'd look at me. "Its going to be okay, were going to get through this." She nodded and smiled. "I know, it's just going to be a long road." I nodded, and we walked in silence as the snow started piling up more around us, covering our tracks.


Hope y'all enjoyed!

took awhile for the update, but i got some more that will be coming out soon!

have a good night/day


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