Chapter 5

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(switching away from what youve read so far, now, time for a different view. just gonna go back in time as well)

Elsas P.O.V

i woke up to the sun shining on my face. i grabbed my wand and cast a tempus. 10:45am. not bad, but i slept much longer then i meant to. i quickly shrunk my bag so i could fit it inside my pocket, then hid my wand in my sock again, and stood up. i need to find food, but i have to be sneaky. i have to watch out, not all of the ministry members would know about my supposed death just yet. i quickly started to think of a form i could use, and then i snapped my fingers when i thought of it. i quickly shrunk down, and ran to the water, i looked at my reflection impressed. i was a small white husky pup, with ice blue eyes, and a black mark on my rear leg that resembled my wand.

i could've used wandless magic, but im not leaving my wand anywhere. i cant let it leave my sight or reach, it could become very dangerous if the wrong person were to find it. i quickly had some water, then turned around and ran up the bank to the road. i decided to roll around in some dirt, just so i dont appear too clean. after i was done i trotted towards a park, it seemed quite busy, which is perfect. as i ran around i saw a young couple sitting on a bench with a young child between them while they had brunch. i shook myself and took a deep breath. once i calmed my heart i put on my best act yet.

i lifted one paw slightly, put my ears down, and set up my perfected puppy eyes. i slowly limped towards the couple, whining with each step i made. they looked at me in pity and watched as i started to limp past them with my head down. "awww dear, surely we can spare a bit for this cute little puppy?" i could hear the lady talking to the man as i slowly limped away. i heard a deep sigh. "okay honey, but not too much." after that there was a little squeal which caused me to stop and turn around to face them. the young woman came over to me, and handed me a chunk of chicken. my ears perked up and i wagged my tail as i took it thankfully. i quickly limped away till i was out of sight, then i ran full speed to a secluded area in order to eat. i decided to stay as an animal while i ate, its easier to hide, and i dont need as much food compared to when im human.

after i was done i started to trot around the park, seeing all the families with their young kids playing in the grass. it made me sad, knowing i wont be able to do that with my parents again. i was drawn out of my thoughts by someone whistling. i turned around and saw a young boy walking towards me with his hand out in front of him. he crouched down and took some food out of his pocket, holding it towards me. i warily crouched down and creeped forward, slowly getting closer to him. i stopped a few feet away and took a good look at him. shaggy brown hair, emerald green eyes, kind of scrawny looking, with a book on the ground next to him. i gently pried into his mind and saw that he is a muggle, but part of his family held magic. i left his mind, and creeped forward a little more. then i quickly shot forward grabbed the food and ran off towards a hiding a spot.

i wouldve stayed and sat with him, but i had a strong sense of magic nearby. which isnt good, im vulnerable when im in this form, and its too dangerous to be in human form. 'what am i supposed to do? i could get caught by animal control, or a wizard. my other option is seek shelter from an orphanage, but only way to get caught and sent there is by the police. *sigh* oh boy, this is gonna be fun.' i creeped out of my hiding spot, and headed back towards where the boy was. the sun was currently high up in the sky, it was probably past noon by now. i eventually found him sitting on a fountain reading a book, i was going to walk over when all of a sudden i heard yelling. "hey Hiccup!" the boy jumped but then smiled as another kid came running over. "hey Frostbutt." the other boy laughed and had a lopsided smile on his face. his hair was silvery white, and he had dark blue eyes. he appeared very intriguing to me, like there was something familiar about him.

all of a sudden i was lifted off the ground, i yelped in surprise and started to squirm around like crazy. "mama! i found a puppy!" i heard the person holding me screech, and then started running towards a young couple. as soon as we got closer, i could sense strong magic. this is a family of wizards, i need to get away from them and fast. i started yelping and pretending that i was being held too tightly to try and get them to let me go. "oh my, sweetie your hurting the puppy. put it down okay? it probably belongs to someone else." the lady took me from the child, and i could hear quiet sobs. "but i wanted the p-puppy.." the lady sighed as she gently pet my head. "i know dear, but you cant just take it. it could already have a home and a family, you don't want to take it away do you?" the little girl shook her head, and then the lady placed me on the ground. i took off running and didn't look back, i made it back to my hideout under the bridge and quickly changed back into a human. using my wand, i enlarged my bag and grabbed the picture i had of my parents.

"i miss you.." i whispered while i stared at the photo in my hand. i felt tears start to fall down my cheeks as i held the photo to my chest. "i hope i get to see you soon.. i love you, mom and dad.."

hello! hope this chap was alright, i had some difficulty figuring out a story line to follow.

but it happened! and im glad it did. ill have the next chapter up soon hopefully.

have a good day/night/afternoon/morning
peace ✌️

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