Chapter 15

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Iduna's P.O.V

Its been almost 6 months since we sent Elsa to the muggle world. Its been a struggle, hiding the fact that we lied about her death, and how we cant contact her at all. I can no longer see her future, which means she has managed to conceal herself completely. I sighed and looked up at the moon as i sat outside on a bench. 'oh Elsa, where are my dear?' I startled when i heard a voice next to me. "What are you doing out hear dear?" I turned to look at my husband, and i sighed. "Just wishing i could see how shes doing."

He pulled me into a hug. "I wish we could too, but sadly this our reality." i started crying silently into his shoulder as he held me. I couldnt think of anything else to say at that moment, but i knew he understood what i was feeling.


I was walking though the garden when i heard a loud crack behind me. I stopped and took a deep breath before turning around. "Hello, Minister." He gave me a slight smile, and bowed to me. I dipped my head slightly back to him and he stood straight clearing his throat. "Iduna, i have some news. I wished to tell you this personally instead of sending a letter." I furrowed my brows slightly and waved for him to follow me. "Walk with me, and we can speak." He nodded and fell into step next to me. "You arent going to be very happy about the news i must share with you." I sighed and stopped a moment to pick one of the roses. "Did you know that the colour of a rose changes the meaning behind it? Theyre so beautiful, and delicate, but can also cause harm if you touch the thorns." He sighed, then kept following as I walked.

I knew what he was going to say, but i kept cutting him off. "Iduna please, its about Agnar." I reached down as we walked and picked some lavender. "Did you know that one use for lavender is to help relax? It can also help some people fall asleep." I smiled at him. "Thats very fascinating, but please this is important." I nodded and looked down as my smile went away. "I.. Im sorry Minister.. since losing Elsa Ive spent alot of time in the garden, it has helped me cope." He gently touched my arm. "Its okay, you dont need to explain. Come, lets sit down." I nodded and followed him to the bench nearby. "Now, Iduna. Im sorry to have to tell you this, but Agnar has been captured. While out with his team investigating, they were ambushed. Half the team vanished, a few were killed, while the remaining few barely made it back alive. They told us what happened, and sadly one of the ones taken was Agnar."

I stayed silent for a moment, then broke down in tears. I put my head in my hands and cried. "Why.. first our daughter, and now him? Why cant my family have a break...? I cant keep losing the ones i love.." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Im sorry Iduna, but we have sent out multiple teams to try to find him and bring him home to you. We have our best trackers out there looking, we will find him. No matter what we will do our best to bring him home." I lifted my head and looked at him, I nodded and smiled slightly. "Thank you sir." He slowly stood up. "Do you need anything? I can have some people bring stuff for you, or if youd like someone to stay with you?" I shook my head. "No, no. Im okay, I dont need anything. Thank you, for the offer though. Id like to be left alone now please." He nodded and bowed his head to me. "Okay, owl me if you need anything. Take care, and I will send an owl as soon as any updates come in." I just nodded and waved him off.

Once he left, and I heard the loud crack I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up sighing. 'Tricked him again huh?' I giggled. "What have I told you about sneaking into my thoughts?" I heard a laugh. 'I know you like it.' I shook my head. "Alright thats enough, come on out." I looked up into the large tree that stood behind the bench. I watched his head appear, then he removed the cloak and hopped down. "That cloak is pretty handy." He laughed. "It really is, now we are one step closer to getting away. If we can get to a point of where you disappear too, then we will be free and we can find Elsa. Then help her on her journey." My smile went away and I gasped.

My vision went black, suddenly I saw it. Me and Agnar, we were running. Then I saw Elsa appear, but there was something wrong. She was yelling, but no sound came out of her mouth. I saw a flash of green and a voice screaming the curse. "Avada Kedavra!" I screamed when I saw her fall to the ground. I turned to see the Minister and the Aurors surrounding us, his wand was raised. "Thank you Iduna, Agnar. We finally found her. Since you both lied, you will both be sent to Azkaban and both will receive the dementors kiss." I went to run to Agnar, but he was being restrained. Then someone grabbed me, and put me into restraints. "Nooo!" I struggled, but then i felt something hit my head and I blacked out.

My eyes shot open and I sat up gasping. I was sitting on the ground by the tree. I started gasping for air and panicking until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and instantly jumped on him crying. "What did you see?" I kept crying, I couldnt stop the tears. I just whispered. "We cant go after her.." He wrapped his arms around me and gently stroked my hair. "What happened Iduna?" I slowly calmed down and took a deep breath sighing. "If we go after her, we will be the cause of her demise.. and our own.." He sighed and hugged me closer. "Okay, we wont go find her. We will let her find us. But we need to have you disappear too, then they cant try and recruit you again." I nodded my head as I calmed down. "We need to create a trail that only she will be able to follow, and send her a message only she will understand. Whether its now, or we wait awhile. She will be searching for us, so we need to guide her." I nodded again, and raised my hand. He placed his palm against mine and we stared at each other.

I nodded at him, and we spoke together in unison. "Starting today, we make a vow. We shall leave here, and go into hiding. We will be disguised. Nobody will ever find us, except for our daughter Elsa. She will be the only one who can follow our trail, and decipher the codes." A silver light appeared at our hands, and formed into a blue orb. It hovered for a few minutes, then shot straight up into the sky. We watched it vanish, then released a sigh of relief. "Lets get to work, we need it to be believable." I nodded and we both laughed as we made our way back to the house to start planning. Soon enough we will be free just like our little girl.


hope y'all enjoyed! have a good night / morning / afternoon

peace ✌️

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