Chapter 2

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Elsas P.O.V

all of a sudden i was shot out of a fireplace and slid across the floor on my back into a wall. i groaned as i sat up holding my head. i looked around and saw all the dark and creepy merchandise around me, quickly realizing im in a very bad place. i pulled my hood up over my head, and used my wand to turn my hoodie into a long cloak that reached the floor. i quickly walked out the door, and looked around. i noticed that i was currently in Knockturn Alley, which is a horrible place to be at this time of night. i started to walk towards Diagon Alley, dodging dark figures and avoiding creepy people who were sitting on the ground. i made it to Diagon Alley and quickly walked through the streets towards the exit that led to muggle London. i need to get there quickly, as long as i am in the wizarding world, im in danger.

i cant risk getting this far just to fail and have my life end now, i need to escape and make my parents proud. i reached the exit, and quickly opened the gate with a wave of my wand. i watched the bricks move aside, and then i darted past the people standing nearby. i kept running with my head down, i couldnt be seen, any wizard would take me to the ministry if they recognized me.

i just kept running, even though my feet hurt, i didnt stop. i continued to run, as far as possible from the wizarding world, far away from my parents, and far from my future in that world. i was supposed to go to Hogwarts soon, i turned 11 in January, so it was finally my turn, but now that the ministry learned about my special talents as an animagus, and how powerful i am, they decided it wouldnt be safe to have me around other students. so they were going to take me away from my parents, but what they dont know, is that my mother has lied to them. she told them i died, but really, im going to become as powerful as possible, and i will take down the corrupt ministry, and its minister.

i will not bend to their rules or regulations. its time for a new age to take over.


i soon reached the outskirts of London, and the sun was starting to come up. i used my wand to change my cloak back into a hoodie, and i also made my bag grow back to its normal size so i could put it on. i needed to make myself seem like a normal kid, so i quickly pulled some pieces of hair out of my bun, and made it look a little messy. i also put some dust all over my knees and butt so it seemed like i had been out on the streets for awhile. i quickly put my wand in my hoodie pocket and placed my hands around it. i cant let anybody see my wand, its safer for me if i hide my skills in magic.

after walking for about 20 minutes, i finally found a nice spot underneath a bridge that was near a small park. i sat my bag on the ground, then leaned on the wall and slid down to the ground holding my knees against my chest. after running for most of the night, and avoiding everything possible, im dead tired. all i can think about is my mother, she was such a brave woman to risk her and my father getting arrested for doing this and lying to the ministry. it really shows what love really means, where if you love somebody, you'd be willing to risk getting yourself in trouble just to save them. no matter the cost. i sighed as i took my wand out of my pocket, and then placed it in my sock, pulling my pant leg over it. i laid down, and placed my head on top of my bag, staring up at the morning sky. i could hear birds singing, and the wind rippling through the trees. i sighed and slowly closed my eyes. i had one last thought before i feel asleep.

'one day, i will return the favour. i love you, mom and dad.'

hello! second chapter finally done, this took longer then the first one due to trying to make it make sense with all the descriptions.

i hope my writing isnt too bad, or confusing.

i prolly repeated words, or letters, but whatever. you readers can comment when you see any mistakes!

anyways, hope you all enjoyed this! its not as long, but still a decent chapter i think. i know the first was really long, but it will most likely vary. 🤷‍♀️

have a good night/morning/afternoon/day!

next chap. should up soon, peace ✌️

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