Chapter 3

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P.O.V ???


i was running around a strange looking place. the buildings were all curved and crooked, with weird names and signs. tons of strange objects were being sold, and kids were gossiping about a new broom..? hmmm, strange.

all of a sudden i was running, it was like i had no control of my feet. i could hear something next to me, it was laughter. but when i looked no one was there, i looked behind me, and to my right, but nothing. "ha ha ha, c'mon J!! hurry up! or were going to miss the train!" my body seemed to start to run faster, following the unknown voice towards a train. i was fascinated by how old fashioned it was, i mean its 2022, you never see old steam engines anymore!

then i felt something, or someone grab my hand and start pulling me. i seen a long black cloak in front of me, but i couldn't see who was under it. i also noticed how much taller i was, theres no way im really this tall. then i heard the voice again. "hurry!! we dont have time to dilly dally! they're right behind us!" i turned to look over my shoulder and i saw the scariest thing i've ever seen. it was, what looked like, people in long purple cloaks with skull masks chasing after me! then suddenly my mouth started moving but it didn't sound like me.

"Just keep running! well get there, just dont look back. and if we get separated, ill find you! i promise!" the grip on my hand tightened, and we ran faster then i thought possible. all of a sudden we made a sharp turn and jumped the tracks infront of the train, before turning and running down the other side. we found an open door, and jumped onto the train quickly finding an empty compartment and hiding there. we watched as the doors got shut before the strange people could get on, and then the train started to move. the person who was with me suddenly jumped on me and hugged me tightly, i hugged back. "J! i cant believe we actually made it onto the train! were so close! i know it. thank you so much for helping me. i dont know what id do without you!" i could hear myself laugh at the this persons statement. "now, now. you could easily take care of yourself. you dont really need me, you're way stronger then ill ever be. but i will still stay as long as you want me to -"

~waking up~

suddenly i was woken up something slamming into my face. i shot up to see my father leaning against the door frame smirking at me. i gave him a lopsided grin as i threw the pillow back at him. he laughed as he ran a hand threw his short brown hair. "your mother said it was time to get you up for breakfast, but you didn't want to wake up so i decided throwing the pillow at you was good enough." i stared at him and then i saw the mischievous glint in his hazel eyes. "if you dont get up, you dont get any of moms homemade chocolate chip pancakes." my jaw dropped at his statement, and i quickly jumped out of bed and rushed past him towards the stairs. he ran after me laughing as i slid down the railing and quickly made a b-line for the kitchen.

i jumped into a chair and took it out in the process, scaring the hell out of my mom. "Jackson!" she yelled while spinning around to stare at me. she placed a hand over her heart and sighed when she saw the guilty look on my face. "Jamie! what did you say to him?" i looked at my dad as he walked in laughing. "oh nothing, just that if he didn't hurry up, he'd miss out on your amazing pancakes." he walked over to my mom, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek making her giggle. she shook her head and pushed him away grabbing the spatula off the counter and pointed it at him. "you know that if you keep doing that to him he's going to hurt himself at some point." i laughed as she started trying to hit my dad on the butt with the spatula and chased him around the kitchen. "im sorry honey! it was the only way to get him up and out of bed!"

my dad was laughing along with my mom as they ran around the kitchen. since they weren't paying attention, i quickly snuck over to the counter and grabbed the flour bag. i took a scoop of flour and threw it into the air as my parents ran past me. i quickly sat back in my seat and acted like nothing happened, but they both looked at eachother before nodding and running towards me. i yelled in surprise and quickly jumped on top of the table running towards the door. all of a sudden my dad jumped infront of me before i could make it out, and tried to grab me. i laughed and ran back the way i came towards the hallway, but as soon as i jumped and went flying through the air towards my escape, my mom grabbed me and spun me around. i was laughing so loud that i started to lose my voice and could barely breathe. my mom put me down and i dropped to the ground laughing while i pointed at them. my dad was covered in flour from head to toe, while my mom had some flour in her hair and eggs on her apron.

they looked at eachother and started laughing as well, then all of a sudden i felt something get dumped on me. it made me sneeze. i looked up at my parents and i saw them trying not to laugh at me, my dad quickly took a photo of me with his phone, and then of all 3 of us sitting on the floor together. then he showed me what they had done. i gasped in shock. i was coated, head to toe, in flour and eggs. "what have you done to me? my hair!! mooooommmm! whyyyyy?" i pouted as i looked at my parents. they gave me sincere looks and then both apologized. then i smiled and jumped on both of them, coating them in flour and eggs as well, before running off down the hall. "Jack! come back here mister! we need to clean you up before you cover the whole house!" i could hear my dad yelling as he chased me down the hall and upstairs to the bathroom. all of a sudden i was lifted off the ground and placed in the tub, i spun around to run, but i wasn't fast enough. water suddenly came pouring down on top of my head and drenching me to the bone.

after about 30 minutes i was finally released from the bathroom and allowed to go get dressed. i ran into my room and straight to my dresser. i grabbed my favourite blue hoodie, some brown shorts, and a pair of socks with underwear. i got dressed in record timing, and ran back downstairs, sliding down the railing and jumping back into my chair. once again scaring my mom, since she wasn't expecting me yet. "dammit Jackson! stop trying to give me a heart attack while im cooking." she glared at me while i gave a small smile and tilted my head down a bit. "im sorry mum, i didn't mean to scare you." her glare softened and she smiled at me in satisfaction that i apologized. soon breakfast was ready, and i gobbled down my pancakes. "thanks mum! im gonna go upstairs and play, i might see Hiccup later!" i called out as i ran upstairs and went to my room. i heard a quiet. "okay sweetheart!" and i smiled at the thought that i get to see my best friend soon.


hi! heres chapter 3, i guess it was a little crazy, and prolly got confusing for some parts. but i hope you all enjoyed!

i am working hard to work on this story and get chapters written, and published for everyone to read.

remember! please leave me your thoughts and ideas! any comments you have, id love to know! if you have anything private you wanna ask, shoot me a message, and ill try my best to answer!

remember, im in school, and working alot. so might take a couple days for me to answer or post anything at all.

anyways, have a good night/day/morning/afternoon! peace ✌️

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