Chapter 7

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Elsas P.O.V

we pulled up in front of the large building. i watched as a lady came hurrying towards the car while Tadashi got out. he helped me out, and grabbed my bag as he stood behind me. the lady walked up to me, grabbed my shoulder and started walking inside. i saw all the kids standing around watching me, but one stood out the most. a young boy who had silvery white hair, and the deepest blue eyes. i stared at him for a moment till he broke eye contact when another kid hit him. i turned away and walked into the large building. officer Tadashi was still behind me, but i was very nervous, i dont know what this place is. the large doors slammed shut behind us, and we kept walking towards an office nearby. i was shoved inside, hard enough i ended up tripping and falling to the ground.

the lady shut the door behind me, but i could still hear them talking. "another one Tadashi? really? i dont think Snow can take on anymore kids. we have a near full house right now." i heard him sigh at the ladys words. "its only for a short time with this one. i can always take her on patrols with me if it helps, and some of the other guys can take a kid or two with them. itll be good for the kids. but i need to talk to Snow, so where is she Gothel?" i heard a loud groan, then the door opened, revealing officer Tadashi. he looked annoyed as he walked in and sat down in one of the chairs. the lady shut the door and i could hear her heels clicking on the floor as she walked away.

"i-is something w-wrong, s-sir?" he startled a bit when i spoke, but quickly calmed himself as he turned towards me. "no, nothings wrong. we just have to sit here and wait until Snow arrives. which, actually i just realized that i dont know your name." i looked down at the ground as i thought. 'i suppose i could tell him my first name. it wont cause too much harm.'  i looked down at my hands as i thought about it. this man helped me, least i could do is tell him my name. "my name.. is uhh, is Elsa." i didnt look up at him, i was too embarrassed of myself. 'why do i keep stuttering?'  he placed my bag infront of me, but didnt say a word. we just sat there in silence as we waited.

3rd person P.O.V

as Elsa and officer Tadashi sat in the office, Gothel was running around trying to find Snow. she wasnt impressed with Tadashi, no matter what he did, whether it was helping the kids or working at the orphanage, it wont make things easier. she was so tired of the cops hanging around and bringing in more mouths to feed. 'Snow is much too polite. we cant keep welcoming in random children, we can barely take care of the ones we have.'  her heels clicked loudly as she walked, and she watched as kids scurried into their rooms trying to get away from her. she smirked when she seen the fear in their eyes, she loved having so much control over the kids.

all of a sudden as she rounded a corner, someone ran into her. she was about to snap at them when she realized it was Snow. "oh my, Snow. there you are, ive been looking everywhere for you. officer Tadashi is in the main office with a young girl he has brought here." Snow looked surprised but quickly took off towards the main office to speak with them. Gothel walked behind her taking her time and mumbling to herself. "some of these kids need to go. we dont have room, so ill send them off somewhere. including this new girl, only the best kids will stay to be adopted." she laughed quietly to herself, but didnt realize she had an audience.

a young girl with fiery red hair ran away as fast as she could to gather all the kids. this was bad, really bad. if Gothel got her wish, most of them would be sent away to the streets or worse. she kept running and calling everyone to go outside. she ran out the doors with kids following her, and joined the few that hadnt come in yet. "everyone! i need your attention! please its an emergency!" she yelled as loud as she could, and everyone stopped what they were doing. they came running and stood around her, she saw two boys that always came to play. "Jack, Hiccup. i need you two to come up here, youre the only ones who can truly help." the two boys came over and stood next to her as she addressed everyone.

"Mother Gothel is planning to get rid of most of us. mainly the ones she dislikes. we need to find a way to get a ton of kids adopted, so she cant get rid of us. we also need to save the new girl, Mother Gothel seems to really hate her. we must work fast everyone. find families, find ones who will take you in. we start planning today, the ones who are disliked the most must find a family. got it?" everyone yelled in agreement, soon pairing with a few friends or their siblings. everyone dispersed, going to make their plans to get everything done. Jack and Hiccup looked at the young girl. "why do you need our help Merida?" she smiled at them, and then gestured for them to follow her inside.

they usually didnt go inside because of Gothel, but this time was an exception. they had to find out Gothels plans, and help the other kids. "we need to be quiet. i want to listen in on what theyre saying." the boys nodded as the three of them hid outside the main office listening closely. they could hear Gothel talking loudly. "i just dont think we can take in another mouth to feed, were still waiting for a few adoptions to be finalized. i just dont agree with this Snow." there was a loud sigh. "i know Gothel, but i have never refused to take in a child that needs help. Tadashi has been a great help, along with the other officers, and they help the kids. im sure we can help her."

there was silence after Snow stopped talking, then all of a sudden an angry screech filled the halls. "how dare you, Snow! i work so hard to keep everything running, everyone fed, i cant handle another child! i refuse to accept her. and you cannot take her in without me agreeing." after her yelling stopped, a man spoke up. "Elsa? can you go outside little one? ill speak with you soon okay?" the door opened, and a young girl walked out. she was dragging a backpack along the ground by the strap. Merida and Hiccup stared at the girl, but when they turned to Jack, he was gone.


hey! heres chapter 7, i kinda wandered from my original plot i had. but honestly i kinda like how this has gone so far.

i just wanna know :

- should i do more 3rd person?

- should i keep switching between Elsa and Jack?

- or just switch every few chapters?

let me know your thoughts, and leave criticsm if you want to! i know i suck at spelling, and grammar, but i will try to fix it when i notice it.

have a good night/day/morning/evening

peace ✌️

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