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She left for work and drove to the restaurant. She pulled up at the restaurant and checked her phone for the table number. Eighteen. She sighed as she walked into the restaurant. She saw him and saw that somebody was with him, Brie. She rolled her eyes and walked to the table. She sat at the table and Ken looked at her

"Hey baby, glad you could make it"
"What is she doing here?" Wanda asked
"I just want to talk and apologize for everything I said"
"There's no need for that. I don't want the apology"
"Wanda, hear her out," Ken said
"Hell no, Ken. I'm not going to hear her out. I have had enough of her. If I attend that wedding, it would be because of Ken. It would be because I owe it to him. If I still act as your maid of honor, it is because he wants me to. Other than that, I owe you nothing and I want nothing to do with you. I don't think I want to be your friend anymore. I don't think I want to be part of your life anymore. I am done tolerating you and your badass attitude"
"Wanda, just calm the hell down"
"I'm done here, Ken. I would text you when I get home. I have had a long day and I need some rest"

She said as she grabbed her bag and stood up from the table. She walked out of the restaurant and got Into her car, started the car, and drove to Helen's. She got there and headed to her room. She dropped to her bed and closed her eyes. She heard a soft knock on the door


Tracy's head poked out from the door. She looked at her

"Aunt Wanda? You still up?"
"Yeah, baby. Come on in. What's wrong?"
"Nothing but I heard Mom saying something taking Wally away"
"Taking Wally away? To where?"
"She said she was going to sell him at postnatal. What is postnatal aunt Wanda?"
"Sell him there?"
"Yeah. Tristan kept poking at his cheeks and then wally wouldn't stop crying because I guess he didn't want to play with Tristan or Tristan was hurting him so she said she was going to sell him"
"Come here darling"

She said as she patted the bed and Tracy jumped on it with delight. She loved the cuddles from anybody at all. She was just clingy and it was sweet. She was one lovable kid

"So what happened?"

Wanda asked

"I don't know aunt Wanda"
"Do you want her to sell wally off?"
"Maybe, maybe not"
"Why are you unsure about it?"
"I like Wally and all. I mean I wanted a baby sister but I got a brother instead. He's really pretty and he smiles a lot and he has pretty eyes but he is loud"
"Yes, he cries at midnight. He cries a lot too and he cries really loudly and it is very disturbing"
"Huh. So you don't want him to cry?"
"I don't. I want him to quit making noise"

Wanda looked at her. Why and how did she get so intelligent?

"Well Tracy, I think it's normal for every baby to cry for the first few months or maybe years of his life"
"Years? Are you telling me I have to endure this for years?"
"Yes, Tracy. You have to"
"Can we go back to your house?"

Tracy asked and laughed. She loved kids. Their inquisitive trait was one she admired. She saw herself in Tracy. She hugged her and kissed her forehead"

"We can go to my house but who's going to take care of mommy and wally"
"Dad would"
"You know Tracy, you cried more than wally did. You never cried in the day. You always cried in the middle of the night and it woke up everybody in the neighborhood. You were very loud too. Very very loud. I would hear you from the entrance of the street. Everybody knew you. The police once came to the house and thought we were physically abusing you or something because you cried so much. You always fell sick every time you cried and I would have to drive you to the hospital because I didn't want your mom driving and your dad was at work so I would drive your mom to the hospital with Tristan and get you to a doctor"
"That's surprising"
"Very. So if I can endure all that, I think you can endure Wally"
"Yeah yeah. I think I can. Jeez. I have to go. I've got some take-home work I have to finish up. Thanks, aunt Wanda"
"You're welcome"

She turned to leave and stopped in her tracks. She looked back and turned to Wanda

"Aunt Wanda?"
"Yes, baby?"
"Where do babies come from?"
"Uhmm, why don't we ask your mother?"

She said as she stood up to go to Helen's room. She wasn't going to tell a seven-year-old girl that she was formed from a man inserting his manhood into a woman. She wasn't going to teach her that shit. Life gets real when you learn what you are not supposed to. She got to Helen's door and knocked. She opened it and saw Helen, working on her laptop

"Hey sis"
"Didn't know you were back. Hey baby"

She said as Tracy jumped on the bed. Wanda walked to Wally's crib and saw him awake. He smiled when he saw her. She smiled at him. Her heart melted

"So what brings the both of you here?" Helen asked
"So Tracy has a question that I can't answer"
"Thought you had the answer to every question," Helen said
"Not this one. Tracy, ask mommy what you asked me"
"Where do babies come from mommy?"

Helen blinked and looked at Wanda

"Yes, mommy" Wanda teased "Where do babies come from?"

How on earth did her little head think of this? Helen wondered

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