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Their eyes were a swirling, red void

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Their eyes were a swirling, red void.

Whenever they found themselves near their birthplace, they would just loose all of their humanity.

They were like a half-human half-creature hybrid.

But that can't be true, can it?

Variant's don't originally look like humans, they only absorb the bodies and then are able to turn their looks into that of the human they had absorbed.

But this one...

This one bleeds.

This one doesn't seem to absorb humans.

This one doesn't find pleasure in death.

And it gets very aggressive towards other variants.

Do all variants have the same emotionless look upon being born?

Are they all born through a cocoon like structure? 

But how are the cocoon structures created?

Any type of sample we try to retrieve ends up dissolving into a black, rotten mess.




It cannot be killed through headshots.

The method of killing it has yet not been discovered.

However, venom could be a potential weakness, as long as the shot isn't in the head.

Something is preventing the creature from blowing up, but what...?




Someone attempted to cross-test Zero and [...]

They were fired before it even started.




The creature talked to us today for the first time.

It's words were straight to the point.

However, once it said what it needed to say...

It went silent.

It hadn't talked since.

"...The time will come soon..."

What does it mean?

What will come soon?




[Dissection attempt No. 152]

The creature put up no resistance.

It didn't even flinch when it was slashed open.

It's wounds did regenerate though, so we needed to use small doses of venom to keep the wounds open for longer.


It's heart was beating very slow, it was like the blood was hardly getting pumped around the body.

It didn't have any lungs, and no bones.

The organs it DID have were held in place by a strange goop substance, like what the other variants look like without their disguises.

Any attempts to move the organs proved futile as they were stuck to the creature, impossible to remove.

However, the substance, venom, easily blew up these organs.

This caused the creature to howl in pain.

It's organs can also be noted as weak points.

But the organs were quickly rebuilt.





The thing attacked us today, many lives were lost.

We managed to contain it.

But it's unpredictability may have made it more of a threat then what we realized.

Just what are we working with?




If this creature proves too dangerous, we can always give it to [ONE] for absorption.

Who knows? Maybe [ONE] would gain special properties from absorbing it.


I don't want to think of the possibilities.

𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗩𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘁 [𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗴𝘂𝗻 𝗕𝗼𝘆 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿]Where stories live. Discover now