chapter 3

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Laura's pov:
I was walking to first period when I felt someone getting my hair and swinging it from side to side. I turned around only to find that Ross was walking behind me annoying me.
laura: "what do you want!?!?" I whispered yelled
Ross: "chill babe I just like to annoy you"he said in a flirty way
Laura: " yeah I kinda figured that, but why me?!?!" I yelled a little louder as we were walking to class.
He got closer to me and whispered in my ear "why not you?" That send shivers through my spine and made me blush just a little. We got to class and I went to my seat and he went to his seat.
Ms. Ramirez our music teacher then said," You guys have a partner assignment and I will choose your partners."
"Ughhh!!" The class graoned. well at least I'm with rydel and raini in this class. The teacher then started naming the partners, I wasn't paying attention until she said my name. "Laura and Ross." I was shocked what no!!,I didn't want to be his partner but oh well I guess I'll try to work with him. I got out of my thoughts and payed attention to Ms.Ramirez after that the day went by pretty normal and fast.
Ross's POV:
I started walking to first period and decided to bug laura even more so I got her hair and I swung it from side to side. She turned around and whispered yelled what I wanted so I answered "chill babe I just like to annoy you" in a flirty tone. Then she said she kinda figured it out and asked why did I need to annoy her. So I got closer to her and went to her ear and I whispered "why not you" in a very flirty tone. She started blushing. we got to class, we sat down in our seats, and waited for ms.Ramirez to say something. She then said,"you guys have a partner assignment and I will choose your partners." "Ughhh!!" We all groaned. I hope I get Laura as a partner. If you're asking why its because,...well.. I kinda like laura as in more than a friend but I'm not sure if she likes me that's why I flirted with her back there. I heard Laura's name and then my name. Yes!!!! Laura's my partner. Calum looked at me and winked. Calum knows I like laura. I looked over at laura and she had a shocked face. Then I looked away and payed attention to Ms.Ramirez. When that class was done the day went by pretty fast.
After school nobody's POV:
Ross met with laura after school in the schools front doors. They decided to go to Laura's house since it was empty and quit because Vanessa was out with some friends and her parents were at some cousins house. So they walk to her house. they got to the front porch and laura took out her keys and opened the door. They went in and went straight up to her room. They got to her room and they place there Backpacks on her king sized bed. Then they started to talk about the assignment.
Ross's POV:
OK so our assignment is to write a song about we were discussing the topic. She spoke first, as she started rambaling about the topic I could help but stare at her lips and eyes. It was hard to contain my self from getting her and kissing her. I think she notice because she turned Scarlet and looked away. She stopped rambling and I started to ramble. I noticed she was staring at me too but she was just staring at my eyes. We would lock eyes from time to time. I was finished rambling and she was just looking at me which made me blush really hard. When she noticed she looked away. Then it turned awkward.
Laura's POV:
So our assignment was to write a love song. I was OK with that. So we started discussing the topic and I started to discuss It first so I started I noticed Ross looking at my lips and eyes but I just ignored it when I finished I noticed he was looking at my eyes and lips again. I couldn't help but blush and look away. After me Ross started to ramble about the topic I just looked at his eyes. How come I never noticed how cute he was? Wait!!! what did I just say!?!? Oh no!!! I think I'm falling for ross! I kept on looking at his eyes and got lost in his eyes we locked eyes about 5 times but then he would look away. When he was done I couldn't take my eyes off of his eyes. When I finally got out of thought I looked at him and he was scarlet i looked away blushing feeling so embarrassed. It turned quiet and awkward.
Authors note: happy international raura day wear yellow or red or both to represent raura.

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