chapter 15

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Laura's POV
We're in the plane flying to I don't know where. Im to heart broken to care right now. I'm sitting next to my sister we're both looking out the window letting tears roll down. All I can think of is ross. He's just my I deal guy. He's a sweat heart, he doesn't show off, he doesn't consider himself perfect, he loves music, he's very handsome, ect. The point is he's just the right guy, and it hurts me to think he'll find someone else in his life. More tears roll down my cheek. Ughhh I'm just gonna fall asleep. I'm very tiered and I'm not in the mood to do anything right now.

Riker's POV
Why did they have to leave?!?! I loved Vanessa and my bro loved Laura I just dont understand why life is so messed up to us. We were soo happy with them here, and now its back to normal I mean its not soo bad but what if Vanessa finds another guy that's not me!!! Vanessa needs to be mine no matter what. I really love her and I need her in my life. I hope we see each other again some time soon. I really hope do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rydels POV
Its been 3 years now, we've all changed. We changed in a facial way. Riker let his bangs grow, Ross let his entire hair grow and parts it by doing a line right in the middle. Rocky he let his hair grow and he doesn't really talk that much as he used to now he's more serious about music. Ellington wow he looks even hotter. He let his hair grow and his beard and mustache not to long though. He also barely broke up with Kelly. He realised he had feelings for someone else. Anyway obviously that isn't me but, oh well, finally me I grew my bangs out so I don't have any bangs. Also the most important thing of all. Our band has grown world wide. Its awesome we really love our fans they're the best thing that could ever happen to us, they are the reason why we're here. I'm so happy.

Suddenly my phone vibrates I get it and unlock it. I see a text from laura. I text back very quick.
Hey laura its been so long what are you doing
Well I'm getting ready to go to Los Angeles again.
Omg seriously!!!! Yay!!!! I can't wait by what time do you think you'll get here!?!?!
I'm probably going to be there tomorrow in the morning.
Yay!!!! I'll be here waiting with everyone else!!!
That's the point I want you to go with your family somewhere because were moving in next door to you again.
Oh that's why they started repairing the house. And sure I'll take care of that I'm go take them to the park.
Thanks rydel love you and take them at 3:00 we'll get there at 3:30.
Love you too bye I'll do that tomorrow.
Yay and bye

I can't believe this she's coming tomorrow. This is so awesome its gonna be so much fun. But I need a good excuse for tomorrow and the park.

Laura's POV
So yeah we're going back to LA. I just started a singing career I signed up with machine records. Which also has Taylor swift. Which is awe-mazing. My hair is a caremel colour just the tips, it's longer, and I have side bangs. My sister started her acting career on a show called switched at birth. Its very awesome show by the way. She let her hair grow and she has side bangs as well. My mother and father look the same. We're currently packing and putting things in our bags. When we finished packing we went to the airport in our car. We left the car and got in our waiting room, in the airport. We were now going in to the air plane we took our seats and the plane took off. Hours later we were here. In our true home, LA.
Rydel's POV
It was now time to take the family out of the house.
"Hey guys let's go to the park to get some inspiration on the music."I said with a fake smile.
"Ok" they said all in unison. Well that was easy.
They went upstairs to change I told mom and dad and they said sure. We were waiting for they guys. Oh god its already 3:10 ughhhh guys hurry up. They finally came down. I rushed everybody to the door. I closed the door behind us and we started walking toward the park. I checked my phone and saw it was 3:25. Oh god hurry up!! I rushed every body else when we got to the park it was 3:40. I was talking to laura.

Did you guys get there?
Yup were here
Yay!!! When do I take everyone back?
About at 4:00
Ok cool I'll see you then
Alright bye

Yes!!! They're here. I put my phone away and find Ellington standing right across from me.

"Uhhh haii ellington what's up?" I say awkwardly yet happily.
"Oh nothing don't mind me keep talking to your boyfriend." He said kind of annoyed. Ok what's up with him.
"I don't have a boyfriend." I said looking right in his eyes.
"Then why are you smiling like a idiot looking at your phone." He said looking back at me. Shit I can't tell him.
"Well why do you care so much?" I said.
"Because I-I... Nothing just forget it." He said looking down.
"Look Ellington I'm sorry-" I got cut off by him.
"Its ok rydel." He said looking down.
"C'mon let's go to the swings." I said pulling his arm. We were on the swings for a while.
I looked at the time and saw it was 4:05 it was time to leave.
"Let's go." I said. To my whole family.
Then we all left the park.
We're walking home and we're passing the Marano's house. The lights are turned off that's weird but there is a car. That means they're here. Can't wait to see them.
Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating sooner but ispts cuz with my orientation day at school. I didn't have time to update this whole week. I still hope you enjoy I don't know when I'm gonna update but I'm gonna update for shor. He he we what I did there on the shor. Any way I'm so weird but I hope you enjoy.

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