chapter: 9 The date

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Laura's POV:

It was Saturday in the morning. It was the day of the date. It was 11am so I took a quick shower. I put a robe on and walked out into my room. I picked out my clothes and decided to wear light blue shorts with a white tank top, and white converse. I went down stairs and found my sister on the couch with a bowl of cereal. I did the same but instead I went back to my room to watch TV. When I sat down I turned my TV on and nothing interesting was on so I decided to watch a funny movie. I watched it. Half way through the movie my phone vibrated I checked it and it was Ross.


Sup Laura:)

Hey ross;)

So what r u doing?

I'm watching a movie

Oh cool. I was gonna tell you to buy a bikini because I'm taking you some where wet for our dinner.

Oh I already have one so its no problem

Ok cool so be ready at 8.

Yeah I'll be ready.



I put my phone aside of me and looked for my bikini. I finally found it and it took me 3 hours just to find it. So by now it was 2pm but it was worth it. My bikiny was a two peice it was yellow with blue stripes. It was so revealing it showed a lot of my body. But I mean its gonna be dark so it doesn't matter.

Time passed it was now 6pm so it was time to get ready because beauty takes time. So I took another shower I put on a robe and walked out I dried my hair and straighten it. I put on the dress I called my sister so she could do my make up. She gladly accepted and I made sure she used water proof. By the time she was done it was 7pm I just had one hour left. I painted my nails blue with yellow stripes. They dried out fast and I put on my heels then I heard the doorbell and I walked down I opened the door ross seemed so surprised to see my new look. He looked so handsome.

He led me to his car. He started driving and we finally got there. It was the beach. He went around the car and opened the door for me. I got out and he went to the back seat and got a blanket and a basket. We went somewhere far away from where we were it was a unique place. He extended the blanket and placed it down on the floor. He placed the basket in the middle. We ate and we made a got awkward at times but I would say something random and we would start laughing. When we finished he asked me if I wanted to get in the water I accepted and he started undressing himself because he had his shorts under. He took his shirt of and I could see his perfectly toned abs. I couldn't help but stair he was just so hot. Then he said

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said smirking

'Oh shut up!" I said smirking too

I wanted to get him back for that so I asked him

"Hey ross can you maybe help me in zip my dress?"I said

"Ummm sure." He said nervously

I turned around and moved my hair to my side he got me by the waist and grabbed my zipper then he started pulling it down slowly. He got to the end and I let the dress fall to the sand. I turned around and saw he was right in front of me we were just inches away. I was going to back away but he grabed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him,there was no personal space. Our bodies were touching and he closed the gap between our lips. He nibbled on my lip causing me to moan and gasp he took the advantage And inserted his tounge in my mouth. We were having a full on make out session by now. We pulled away breathing heavily. We looked into each others eyes and then I got out of his reach. Then it went awkward again.

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