Chapter 21

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~Laura's POV ~
"I dare you to kiss Bradley." Rydel tells me. I look over at Rydel and then I semi glare at her. Then I look over to Bradley and scoot closer to him. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, we stare at each other I start to lean in and well....

~Nobody's POV ~
Laura starts leaning in she gets closer by the second. They're centimeters away from touching lips. *cell phone starts ringing* 

"ohh c'mon who's phone was that?" Rydel yells obviously annoyed.

"sorry I forgot I to put it on silent." Ellington says grinning nervously putting his phone back into his pocket. 

Ross secretly thanked Ellington for that. He didn't actually want Bradley and Laura to kiss. he wanted to be Bradley. He missed the touch of Laura's lips. 

Ross was really lost in his trance of thoughts. He didn't notice how the ring didn't actually stop Laura and Bradley from kissing. until rocky snapped his fingers in front of his face. then he saw them. right in front of him locking lips. He was full of different emotions. rage, hurt, sadness. His hands rolled into fists. Riker pat his shoulder and whispered

"dude calm down, you know your not dating right? you need to realize that you've lost her." those words hurt more than knives. ross was broken. he didn't want to be there anymore but he didn't want to make it obvious. Bradley and Laura pulled away, looking into each others eyes. 

They didn't gaze anywhere else, until riker cleared his throat. Laura sat there fiddling with her fingers, blushing like crazy. 

~Ross' POV~

They kissed. right in my face. I cant believe it. Riker calmed me down but I swear I was going to beat the crap out of this dude how could he kiss MY LAURA, who the hell does he think he is. I recall that I have a girlfriend. ughhhhhhhhh why cant I just be single, it would've made things much easier. I probably would've been back to dating Laura.

The game had ended about an hour ago, because Bradley had to leave. so Laura and Bradley are now a thing. they are now dating. after that kiss they both realized they had feelings for each other  and he asked her out. I couldn't believe it , after the first day back she had a boyfriend. Oh well I guess I'm just too late and now I'm going to need to bare with it. ill just need to get her back like how I did 3 years ago.  I promise ill get her back.

~Laura's POV~

Ahhhhhhhh I have a boyfriend!!!! so Bradley asked me out right after that amazing kiss. so now we're official. I'm sooo happy I could die right now!!!!! wait no why would I wanna die. I got a boyfriend!!!!  I'm just so excited, specially since I'm going to be going back to school I'm going to see old friends and ill have my boyfriend right beside me. 

***************TIME PASSES BY: MONTHS LATER******************

~Narrator's POV~

Its be 5 months since Laura came back with her family and its been 2 days since ross broke up with Courtney and Laura with Bradley. so riker had gotten invited to one of the biggest parties of the year


Rocky, Ellington, and ross were in the living room playing video games while the girls were upstairs in rydel's room painting their nails. then Riker barges into the house .

"GUYS!!!!!!!!!" riker yells like his getting murdered.

"what!!" the guys look at him kind of terrified while the girls footsteps are heard coming down. the three of their faces appear. 

"Guess what, I got invited to the hottest Party of the year!!" he says unbelievably.

"You mean to DYLAN'S lake house party!!!" rocky yells excitedly.

"YESSSS obviously!!! He said I can invite any one I want he gave me the address and everything!!" he explained.

"Well then what are we doing here lets go get ready, there's going to be babes there and I think its time I get me a girl." rocky said excitedly. 

"Alright but I'm taking Courtney!"  ross yelled as he went up the stairs to pack.

"and I'm taking Bradley!" Laura said going to the fridge to get a gogurt.

"alright its fine hurry up though we're leaving in about an hour, and also pack extra clothes because were going to the lake!" riker yelled as they all ran up to their rooms and Laura and Vanessa went to their house to get ready.

An hour later they were in the van heading to the lake party. ross and Courtney were in the back and rydel and Ellington were in the middle and rocky and riker were in the front seats. Laura and Vanessa went with Bradley in his car they don't want to go with the lynches because they thought it was going to be too packed. 

After a long 2 hour drive they got to the huge lake house. it was around 7pm, they saw many cars parked in front of the house, they parked and they unloaded the cars. they took their bags and they entered the house. lights shinning and music blasting, people were already drunk and most of the people were in their swim suits or swimming trunks. they made their way to the back where the lake was, people were jumping in, others were just sitting down dipping their feet talking with friends. The girls already had their swim suits under and they just had to take their clothes off. The guys came in with their shorts soo they didn't have to do anything other than take theirs shirts off.  the guys took their shirts off and they jumped in except ross, then the girls undressed so then they jumped in except Laura. Ross had gotten a little thirsty so he went to look for water. Laura was just having trouble unzipping her shirt from the back, she had told rydel to help her take it off when they undressed but she forgot. as laura was looking for someone to help her unzip her shirt, she found ross. as ross was the only one there to help her she went up to him.

"ross." Laura tapped his shoulder. he turned around taking a sip of his drink.

"whats up?" he said 

"um I kinda need help... unzipping..." ross widened his eyes. 

"ohh um just turn around" she turned around she felt his cold hands on her back while he unzipped slowly, he gulped. this brought memories back of when they were on their date and they went to the beach. laura smiled at the memory. ross did too as he watched her shirt slipped down.

"Thank you." she walked away nervously. and he grabbed his drink off the table. he watched her leave. He knew he loved her but he couldn't do anything about it she was with Bradley and he was with Courtney. But what he didn't realize was that Bradley and Courtney had been cheating on him and  Laura. Bradley had seen Courtney ever since the theaters. he found her hot and decided he wanted her and not laura. 

Later that day laura and ross were both looking for their girl/boyfriends they ended up both finding them at the same time, they were hooked onto each other like leaches. Laura was heart broken she had really liked this guy. Ross was happy but at the same time he was sad to see laura broken. he wanted to beat the shit out of Bradley, but he preferred to go after Laura who had run off into the wilderness. ross ran after her. he heard sobbing. it was her. she was sitting on a rock. 

"laura, don't cry, hes not worth your tears, a princess like you shouldn't be crying over a rat like him." she looked down letting her tears slide down her cheeks like two waterfalls. He walked over to the space next to her, he sat.

"don't look down, your tiara will fall." he rose her chin with his fingers. he looked at her in her water eyes. He had the urge to kiss her but he knew it wasn't a good time.

she hugged him. she cried onto his shoulder. The night was silent the only sound filling the air were her sobs. At that moment it was only them the moonlight and their hearts. 

After Laura had stopped crying she thanked him and told him she would be fine, so they got out the woods and went back to the house. they informed everyone about it and they decided to leave, they left Courtney and Bradley making out, without telling them anything.


sorry. suck at updating but I hope you enjoy

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