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Ross' POV:
We arrived to my house and we got in. Rydel and Ellington were leaving the house right when we came in ryland and rocky were going to some other place and mom and dad were out for dinner. So it was just laura and I. That's awesome we finally get time alone without the Raura shippers in the house. Especially his mom and rydel.

He went upstairs and brought some blankets from his room. laura was sitting on the couch. Just waiting. Ross cqm back and put them on the couch then he went to the kitchen and got popcorn. He came back and handed them to laura.

"Wat movie do you wanna watch?" He asked
" pick."she said smiling
"Ok romeo and Juliet." He said smiling

He put the movie on and sat on the couch next to Laura. He covered them self's up with the blankets. Laura leaned on his chest and snuggled next to him. Ross put his arm around her and got the bowl of popcorn with the other.
Laura was so comfortable and very small. This was a comfortable position i wish we could stay like this forever.

Laura's POV:
I was so comfortable, I felt so safe in his arms. Around the end of the movie I started to sleep and soon I fell asleep in my boyfriends arms.

Ross' POV:
When the movie ended I looked down and Laura she was sleeping like a little puppy.I turned the TV off and carried laura bridal style up to my room I put her on my bed and I covered her and I got in the bed as well soon we were fast asleep.

Sorry its been a long time since I updated but now I'll start up dating more often .I hope u enjoy its small :)

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