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And then....

Rikers POV:
I just couldn't hide my feelings any more I wanted to grabed and kiss her passionatly. So that's what I did. I grabbed her and kissed her passionatly. She gasped and I took the chance to stick my tounge in her mouth. By now we had a full make out session. When we pulled away, we were breathing heavily.

I looked at her and said,"would you like to be my girlfriend."

"Finally! Its about time. I've been waiting for you to ask ever since I met you."she said

"I'll take that as a yes." I said grabbing her by the waist and pulling her closer to me.

We started kissing again.

Ross POV:
When Vanessa left the room it was really awkward. So I played some notes and laura sang some lyrics I wasn't really paying attention since it was awkward so I didnt hear what she sang.

"So.... You wanna keep writing the song?"

"Sure I actually wanted to add that."

"OK sure Lets do it again"

I started playing and she started singing.

"I'll kiss you,(yeah) whenever you want to be kissed. how I miss you two seconds after you leave screaming "come me back, come back to me" Let me please you, let me see you, let me take that heart of yours and I'll be whatever you need me to be- the good guy, bad guy, just tell me baby..."

"Wow that was awesome!!" I excitedly yelled.

"Yup! I was think the next lines would be just like the ones you sang earlier."

"Yeah that'll be great."

We did the same thing again I played she sang.
Ross laura
"Every time you come around, you put a lightning bolt on my, every time you come around girl you take my breath away.... And I just wanna breath until(until)
I take you in. Cause I want you to breath until (until) you take me in but the truth is..."
"That was so good."

"It was, we should keep going this song, it's due in 3 days even though we are almost finished with it."

" OK. Let's start at the chorus." We both started to play and sing.
Both , Ross, laura
"She has no idea, no idea that I'm even here, I'm even here. She has no idea, no idea I'm standing here, I'm standing here I'm standing here..."

Raura No IdeaWhere stories live. Discover now