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Lauras POV:
We found the perfect dress it was yellow, it was a little above my knees, it was tight showing my curves. Rydel started to freak out when she saw me.

"OMG!!!! You look so gorgeous and beautiful and hot and its just perfect!!!"

'Ok rydel calm down its just me in a dress."

She calmed down and she helped me find heals for the dress. We found the perfect heals for that dress. I felt like a princes with these heals. my hair was brown so rydel being her crazy self told me we were going to a hair salon to do my hair a bit more bright. So we went to the best one.

After 30 minuets of looking for the salon we finally found it we went in and it wasn't full. So the lady attended us fast. She sat me on a chair.

"So what would you like me to do for you today?" She asked.

"Well I really don't know. How about you surprise me with your talent?" I asked

"Well ok then."

She started to cut my hair. She cut the tips then she put some aluminum things on my hair. I felt weird but I guess it was worth it. Because when she finished I looked in the mirror and I looked way different I didn't even recognize my self. I had my hair all the way to my sholders it was straight and my hair tips were ombrè. I looked at rydel and she was freaking out again. I payed the lady and I dragged rydel out. I smacked her head and she finally went back to normal. She took me to my house and helped me carry the bags to my room. When we were done she left. It was now 9:00pm I was really tired so I changed into my pijamas brushed my teeth. I then fell asleep thinking if Ross would recognize me tomorrow.




I know its short but I'll update tomorrow.

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