chapter 16

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-Ellington's POV-
So we just passed the Marano's house. I glance at rydel and see she turns to the house. Its weird she never looks there because it makes her sad remembering that her two best freinds left. I don't know why she would look in that direction. She probably just looking around. We pass the house and go in to the lynches. We go in. We sit on the couch and Ms and Mr lynch go upstairs to their room. We look at each other and rydel is just smiling looking down at her phone. It annoys me so much. Its just that she's been doing that since yesturday. It just makes me jealous thinking itsrobably a guy she's texting. Ok so I kinda have a crush on her since like forever even when I was with Kelly she's such a unique girl. She's not just like Any other girls those wannabe girls. She's just her not fake. And that's what I love about her. But her smiling like a idiot looking at her phone makes me jealous. I'll just ignore it. We all stare at each other again except rydel we just exchange looks and look at rydel.

-Rydel's POV-
So I'm texting Laura.

Haii laura we're finally home are you guys home?!?!

Hey and yeah we're here already we saw you guys pass. I'm excited to go over and say hi to all of you!!

Why don't you come over right now!?!?

Ok fine we'll all be there in 5. See you then I'll get ready. What colors should I wear btw??(by the way)

Ok wait for you here!!! and wear yellow.

Ok thanks see you then.

I feel so happy and excited. So I'm probably smiling like a idiot. I look up and see all the guys staring at me.

"Uhhhh why are you guys staring at me?" I say still smiling.
"Your hiding something." They say with suspicious faces.
"Pfffttt me what!!!! Nooo pftt!!! No I'm not." I said nervously. Come on rydel you can do this for another 5 minuets I think to myself.
"We know your hiding something rydel" I just stay there not moving a single muscle.
"No.ughhh.. Fine I'll tell you. the-" I said annoyed but then I got cutt off by the door bell ringing. Yay they're here ahhhhh!!!
I squeal and run to the door. The guys come behind me. I put my hand on the door knob and take in a deep breath. I open it and....

Cliff hanger I'll update whenever I can. I'm now currently in school so I'll probably take long to update. I'm sorry. But I will update and BTW its really short. I hope you enjoy this chapter. What do you think might happen?

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