chapter 14

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"We're moving houses?" Laura asked.
"No. we're moving state." Damiano said sternly.

Ross' POV:
What!! No they can't go out state. Laura and I just became a thing. I looked at riker and he looked at me. Then Vanessa spoke up.

"Dad you understand we have boyfriends right?" Vanessa said looking at him Ellen.
"I'm sorry girls but you're gonna need to break up with them." He said looking at riker and me.

Everything suddenly turned quiet. I looked at riker and he looked back at me. We both frowned and turned our attention to vanessa and laura. They were sobbing. Laura and Vanessa turned around s they faced our chests, we hugged them even tighter. They told us if they could go to our house to talk. I guess they were really gonna break up with us, and it wasn't gonna be easy. We go to our cars and get in we start driving home. Getting ready to what would happen. We arrived to our house and parked the car. We got out and went in the house. Riker took vanessa up to her room and I took laura up to mine. She sat on my bed and she patted the spot next to her. I sat down and she turned around son that she was facing me.

"Ross... You know this is gonna hurt me... And its gonna be really hard." She said holding in the tears.
"Look Laura I know what your gonna tell me... Your dad wants you and vanessa to break up with riker and I. But I promise no matter what I'll never forget you." I say sad.
"I will miss you to ross and yes I'm sorry but I guess we're over. But we can still be friends." She offered as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Yeah sure just friends." I said looking at my fingers asna teare rolled down my cheek. I looked up and saw another tear tear rolling down her cheek. I took her in for a hug and we cried in each others arms.
"Promise me we'll always be best friends no matter what." She told me sobing.
"I promise." I said sobbing as well.
I couldn't help my self any more. I smashed our lips together. It was passionate full of love we pull away and hug. Since they were leaving today they (Vanessa and Laura) needed to get to the airport. I texted riker and he said they were ready. We met out side in the drive way we got in our cars and drove them to the airport. When we got there we saw damiano and Ellen. We walked up to them and they said that they needed to go to their flight. Before laura left I pulled her and gave her one last kiss. Then we pulled away. I said bye and gave one last hug then she walked away with her parents. I just stould there letting tears roll down my cheeks one after the other as I see laura get lost in the group of people. I turn around and feel riker pat my back. I wipe my eyes and we start walking to the parking lot. We get in the cars and drive away. When we get home I go straight to my room. I flop on my bed looking up at the ceiling. All I can't think about is laura. Memories just flow back to me. For example the time we wrote down the plans at the beach for our next date, the time we first kissed. When I annoyed her. They all just came back to me and they made me cry even more. I can't help think she'll fall in love with someone else. I just can't. But the worst part is that I can't believe she's gone.

Poor ross... I wonder what will happen.
Haii guys thanks for reading my story I just wanted to let you know that you guys are awesome. I'll update on Monday.✌

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