Chapter 24

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Laura's POV:

I looked up directly at ross' hazle eyes. 

"I Love you." i hugged him burring my face into his chest.

"I love you too" he told me kissing the top of my head.

That night was spectacular aside from finding out that I just got cheated on, but ross is always there to save me.

. . .

The next day Bradley and Courtney talked to us and clearing things up. It all ended up with Bradley and Courtney dating and ross and I dating. we cleared things out and ended in good terms. But we didn't talk as much. After all this drama our lives went swell.

We went on our first date, it was amazing.

A night under the stars listening to the waves crashing as we cuddle talking about our future.

The following years were the best, its what any girl can wish for.

Fun dates, funny moments, Romanic moments, Memorable nights.

We bought our own apartment and began to make our lives out of it.

Yes we had arguments, but we worked through it. We had a series of adventures.

Once ross and I went off to Disneyland with out telling any of our families anything.

They nearly had a heart attack.

Now ross is sending me off on a wild goose chase for our 7 year anniversary. He's leading me to every place we ever had little moments. on the second to last place Rydel was standing there...

"Hey laur, so it may come unexpected to you but I have to put a blind fold on you."

"I trust that you wont let me fall" I tell her laughing as she putts the blind fold on me.

"I got you don't worry." she said holding my arm reassuringly.

She led me to a car and stopped at a destination, I'm assuming it was the beach because I got hit with a scent of salt water and plus stepping on sand was obvious.

"Alright laura, are you ready?" rydel spoke. she was now holding my blindfold getting ready to let go.

"yes!" I said excitedly She pulled the blind fold off. every one yelled 'surprise' My eyes finally adjusted to the light and there I saw all my friends and family holding up a sign that said 'Turn around' I rotated and there he was.

He was on one knee with the brightest rings I've ever seen, and with 'will you marry me?' written on the sand. I covered my mouth.

"Laura. You've made me the happiest man alive by coming into my life. Who would've ever known that you, The person I once disliked would be the one im proposing to in front of all our friends and family. You were and are the only thing that I think about and the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So will you do me the honor of becoming a Lynch and Growing old with me for the rest of our years?" Tears welled down my cheeks.

"I do, I do, I do!" I said Jumping up and down as he slid the ring on my finger. Once he got up I jumped onto him and kissed him with such passion. All our memories were floating around my brain. I I loved this man so much.

I had no idea he would be the one to take my breath away.

I had no idea he would be the one to take that heart of mine.

I had no idea He was the one.





Im sorry for those of you who were waiting on my update, I lagged on writing this, im sorry if this isn't the ending you wanted but I just felt like I should end it now instead of keeping it going and not updating until months later. it just wasn't fair toward you guys. Im sorry if its short but I hope you enjoyed the ending. yes it was a little rushed again I just wanted to end this story. sorry. If I do end up writing another story ill make sure I stay on top of my game and update on a repeating schedule.

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