Chapter 11

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Laura's POV:
It was Sunday and I woke up remember everything that happened yesterday. I got up and took a quick shower and changed into fresh clothes. After I went down stairs finding my sister with the hugest smile ever.

"What's up with you? Y that big smile?" I asked smirking
"Huh I don't have a big smile. Pshhh me have a big smile. Pshh." She said in a high pitched voice
"Ughhh fine, riker asked me out for diner... Today!!" She squealed I stared at her and joined her
"So what ate you gonna wear? At what time is he gonna pick you up? Where is it gonna be?" I rambeled
"I don't know,at 8 pm, at the beach."
"So r u gonna go to the mall right?"
"Yup you wanna tag along little sis?"
"Sure lets go."

We left to the mall right away. When we got there we first got into Starbucks after we went to forever 21 and a bunch of different stores. After hours of searching we finally found the the dress, the heels,and the bikini. It was now 5pm. We went home and Vanessa hurried up to the rest room to take a quick shower. While she took a shower I got a text form ross.

Ross laura
Hey :)
Haii :)
What r u doing?
Well I'm helping my sister get ready for her date with ur brother.
Oh.......Would u like to have a movie night today at my house?
Sure ;)
Awesome :) I'll pick you up at 8:30
Ok I'll be waiting for my romeo:)
I'll save my Juliet:)

Nessa came down stairs looking gorgeous wearing her blue flowy dress that went a little above her knees. She sat down and and I started doing her makeup. When I finished with the make up I did her hair I tied it in a high ponytail and curled it. When I was finished it was 7:54 pm she ran up the stairs to get her heels there was a knock on the door I walked to the door and opened it. It was riker.

"Hi Laura is ur sister ready?"
"Yup she was born ready.I'll call her."
"Nessa!!! Ur date is here!!! She'll be here in a sec."

Nessa finally came down and she looked very pretty. Not to brag but I'm an expert at getting people ready. I ghlanced at riker and he was just start struck. Nessa finally came down and they just stared. I pushed them to the door and said bye. I mean not trying to be rude its just that they need to go all ready to have they're time alone.

A while after they left there was another knock on the door
It was ross. I was ready already so I just left with him.

Sorry I haven't updated but now I will update every Friday or Saturday. I hope you guys enjoy its kinda crapy though.

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