Chapter 18

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I'm sooooooo sorry but I'm Finally going to update after like months. Here ypi go hope you enjoy it.
Rydel's POV:
I know something's wrong with Laura. What did my brother do to her I mean how could he just tell her straight up. I hope laura has some time to think here at the park. Right now Vanessa and I are in a froyo shop. We decided to leave her alone so she could have time for her self. I would like to tell Vanessa but pretty sure she's mesmorized by seeing riker again.

Laura's POV:
So after my sister and rydel left I walked to a secret hide out Ross and I had when we were kids. Honestly I was very surprised with this place it looked the same like when I left. I doubt ross ever came here, I doubt he even remembers. I sit on the rock staring at the pond. I let tears roll down my cheeks remembering the times we had here. I sob quietly. I hear the sound of dry leaves being stepped on. I look up and all I see is blurriness I wipe my tears away. I look around and I see someone else standing not to far away from me. The person sees me to and starts walking over to me. I get scared but I don't want to seem mean so I just stay there.

"Are you OK?" The guy asked.
"Uh yeah sort of, not to sound rude or anything but who are you?." I asked curious.
"Well my name is Bradley Simpson." He said.
"Bradley!?!? Thats you! I'm laura!!" I said surprised.
"Laura.....laura Marano!!!! Wow you've changed so much." He said Hugging me.
"Look at you you've changed more." I said
"Its been years since we have seen each other." He said.
"Laura you so gorgeous." He said nervously blushing a little.
"T-thank you." I said blushing
"Would you like to go to the movies sometime?" He asked. Omg is he asking me out!?!? Why am I even getting excited?
"Yeah sure when?"
"How about tonight at 8?" He asked unsure.
"Yeah that's good." I said blushing and smiling.
"I'll pick you up and if you want you could tell more people if they wanna come with." He said.
"Yeah thanks well I gotta get going. My sister and rydel must be looking for me."
"Yeah so see you later." He said smiling.
"Yeah bye." I said then we hugged goodbye.

I walked back to the Bench where Vanessa and rydel left me. I was soo happy and excited for tonight. I see rydel and Vanessa sitting in the bench looking around then both their eyes land on me.

"Where were you young lady?"Rydel said sounding like my mom.
"Well "mom" I was talking to an old friend" I say happy and smiling.
"OK? Go on.." She said signaling me to go on.
"And well he asked me on a movie night today and he said if you guys wanted to tag along." I said.
"Well ok sure it sounds fun." Rydel said.
"Ok let's go get ready he said he's gonna pick me up at 8."
"Ok let's go."

We then walked home to rydels house. We went in to the living room where all the guys were.

"Hey!!!!!!" Rydel yelled.There heads all turn around to us.
"So do you guys wanna go to the movies tonight at 8?"
"Yeah sure." they said all in unison.
"What's the occasion?" Ratliff asked.
"Nothing it's just that some old friend of hers asked her out for a movie night and she said yes and he said that we can tag along." Vanessa said.
"Uh that old friend has a name its bradley." I said blushing.
"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Everybody teased except Ross.
"Ok den let's go get ready. " then we went upstairs to her room and got ready.

Ross POV:
Bradley? Who the heck is Bradley? Why do I even care its not like of I like her. But you do my inner voice said. Shut up I don't. anyway I have a girlfriend. But you LIKE Courtney and your in LOVE with Laura. No ughhh no I'm not! Shut up a think shaking my head coming back to reality. I go up stairs and stop at rydels door. I here vanessa say "Laura seriously he was your first crush and now your crush again. " then Laura"I know but then I met and fell for ross and now I think I'm falling for bradley he's just so kind and nice I really really like him." I feel happy for a second when she said my name but then I don't like the rest. I don't even know why. I have a girlfriend that I'm happy with. But Laura was something I never felt before. What am I even saying. I like Courtney.
Finally I updated. Again I'm really extremely sorry. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll update on Saturday. That's for sure. Alright bye.

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